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This Makes Me Feel So Bad : (


The one and Only ....
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While i was at work first thing this morning a lady im fairly friendly with came

in looking a bit tearful, she said she had been asked to come in by A**** to

let me know B**** had died.

I said Oh no what happened and she replied i dont know but there was blood

and they have to have a post mortem, i said i was sorry and thanked her for

letting me know. She said she would get back to me about the funeral arrangements.


Now the only problem is..............i haven't got a clue who she was talking about,

dont ask me why i didn't ask her at the time...........i dont know....
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AnnSa said:
While i was at work first thing this morning a lady im fairly friendly with camein looking a bit tearful, she said she had been asked to come in by A****  to

let me know B**** had died.

I said Oh no what happened and she replied i dont know but there was blood

and they have to have a post mortem, i said i was sorry and thanked her for

letting me know. She said she would get back to me about the funeral arrangements.


Now the only problem is..............i haven't got a clue who she was talking about,

dont ask me why i didn't ask her at the time...........i dont know....

Im sorry and dont mean to be rude, but i cant understand that little lot, maybe its just me and need a break from k9, Nigel if you are reading this, do i need to send in a sick note :lol:

im off
flippen hell keithy, go have a lie down (w00t)

Ann, isn't there anyone else you can ask??

or go back to the lady who told you and just say you have a bad memory and you cant put a face to the name, im sure she wont mind :)
I think im going to have to...........i cant even think of a couple with these

names, let alone why she should want me to know.

Im just going to have to think of a nice way to put it..........

Keith, yes you do need a lie down, i think you will be ok for a couple

of days without the sick note, but after that one will be needed :thumbsup:
Ann, just pretend your a bit of a thicko and can never remember who people are, im sure she will understand :thumbsup:
Me act like a thicko................who needs to act
hely said:
Ann, just pretend your a bit of a thicko and can never remember who people are, im sure she will understand :thumbsup:
I do that all the time as I'm hopeless at remembering names and faces!!! :D
Just tell her that you didn't realise at the time, but you might be thinking of the wrong person, and can she tell you who she meant just to be sure :thumbsup:
:( Im terrible with human names :(

Give me the dogs racing name then I know them (w00t)

Just ask anyone at Kincarden pwrc,,,I know the dogs name, but the owners name :- " :- " NOPE :lol: :oops:

Tell the person you were just having a bad day (blame the kids or dogs :oops: ) and ask who has died :( :blink:
mm sounds like me most of the time... :lol: you know him you know whos married to that girl??her maiden name was...... and her sister was whosist...who was in the same class as whats his name....

and they lived in ??/god what was the name of that street :lol: :lol: :lol:
No need to make up any stories Ann...


Just tell them the were suffering from sunstroke and a raging hangover and had no idea what was going on that day !!!!!! (w00t) Well you have the sunburn and I'm sure a few witnesses to back this (w00t) Hope you behaved yourself this weekend !!!


Tracey X