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This Is Beyond Me


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what on earth kind of country are we living in when 4 and 5 year olds batter a puppy nearly to death?will someone please tell me what the hell kind of family these kids come from that they would do something like this at that age?what on earth will they do when they get older? :(
This story has horrified me, what sort of kids would carry out such torture? :rant:

it is beyond belief. Too young to be punished so what next :angry: :angry:

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Lets hope the puppy recovers mentally and physically, and finds a loving, caring

home, as all dogs deserve. :huggles:

Get well soon little one :wub: :huggles: :wub:

Sonia and Jesse xx
OMG The poor wee thing . Reading that makes me feel sick :x The children must know right from wrong surely ? Hope the pup gets a great home
Whippets4eva said:
This story has horrified me, what sort of kids would carry out such torture?  :rant:   it is beyond belief. Too young to be punished so what next  :angry:   :angry:

:rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:

Lets hope the puppy recovers mentally and physically, and finds a loving, caring

home, as all dogs deserve.  :huggles:

Get well soon little one  :wub:   :huggles:   :wub:

Sonia and Jesse xx

i think your right they are to young to be punished, but i think the parents must be to blame and they should take the punishment for them.

i have never ever met a child of 4 or 5 who even had thoughts about hurting animals of any sort. kids that ages just dont do those things unless they have been shown or tought by an adult. :rant:

was really glad to read the pup survived and appears to be doing ok :huggles:
Its not that shocking when you see a couple of the familys near me these kids see everything there mums get up to and end up with no morrles and no idea of whats right and wrong. there taute to be rude and abuse loud and horrred to each other when they dont get what they want and then mums give in to shut them up so they think play up and get stuff. there never show respect so have none its sickening thet childern of this age would ever want to hurt any animal but they know no better

Those kids just cant be normal :(
The world is getting so much worse , there is always something to shock / upset us and nothing seems to be done :(

i agree , the parents should be held responsible , but they wont be :( the laws of this world are terrible , they put so much time , money and effort into building stupid statues etc instead of putting the money into places that really need it , makes me sick :rant: lets hope this poor puppy recovers well :luck:
:rant: :rant: bloody kids ,the problems with kids these days is you cant dicipling them without beign bloody threatend with social services or police ,a good bloody hammereing is what is need to keep em in line and bring back canning in schools to look at the older generation never done us any blooming harm if i was naughty as a kids id have a good old slap across the head and if i was really naughty a good stinger of a slap across the ass makes a kid think twice about being naughty ,this is why kids today are more and more outa controll they no ther not guna get punished for it cause they can just bloody sue mam or dad if they give em a bloody hiddding :angry: