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Things you have learned from your dog?

Crazy Dog Man

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A lot of people have said how much their furr baby has changed their life and what a big impact they've been to them.

What are the things you have learned from your dog? How has your dog changed your life?

Please share your experience.

Lady made me more open to other animals as I used to be strictly a cat person only and she also taught me to be more affectionate and loving towards all living creatures be it animal or human.

Rocco has shown me that unconditional love exists and I'm never alone.
That you can always think of ways around a problem. And if in doubt - empathise.

And that I was, with his training, capable of walking for miles... and miles... and miles.
That positive reinforcement is a very effective approach to many things - influencing coworkers, raising children...
And that tomorrow is promised to no one, every day is precious and needs to have some love and joy.
To look and understand things from different just cannot answer to everything with just 'yes or no', often the answer is yes AND no, but the reasoning behind it is what makes the difference. If you can see the reasoning, you can often problem solve the issues being it with humans or animals. I have always been a 'orphan/injured' animal magnet and cared for many different kinds, but none of them have ever really full filled the a need for a dog.
Each dog has taught me different things about them and I can clearly see my progress. I cannot claim I'm mastering it NO, but I can see how I couldn't have taken on a pup in my earlier took many 'second hand' dogs until I was ready for it.
How has dogs changed my life? was always what I really really wanted when I was youngster and I never had a chance to have one of my own. When I was reading children books, there was often a dog involved with their adventures and that was the picture in my head what it would be like. Yes, that is what it is like and more...SO MUCH more. Now I'm never short of company, somebody to talk to and I get daily laughs and amusement by just following what mine gets up company a girl could ever have.
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My older dogs taught me you can still enjoy a 20 minute walk and only go 100 yards... actually it was probably at lot less yards than that at times!
Sound fairly normal but I was never keen on walking for the sake of walking until we got our first dog Hamish. 12 years later and i now walk with or without the dogs purely for a bit of me time, which i think everyone needs