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Thieving Little ****


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Just gone to the door, come back & my bloody chicken has gone off my plate, arrrrgh i could kill that dog at times!!!! You'd think i'd have more sense by now though :oops:
i take it ella has stolen again :rant: ber and holly have managed to eat the tin foil sams sausages were cooked on....shiny poo tomorrow
LOL VICKY,I remember laying the table for tea, i went to the front door and was talkin to a neibour, when i came back in i said to peter who was sat in the lounge "have u finished with your tea then",he said "I haven't started it yet" lol the dog had eaten all the meat and the pork pie. :oops: .........salad for tea then i said lol :p
Im stuck with a scrawny bit of leg, when i had a big whopping breast on my plate *no rude jokes now - i'm bloody starving*
im having turkey burger....youre welcome to share :)) . send kev to the curry house later
I got 2 bottles of wine - that should fill me up lol!!
:cheers: me too (and a bottle of lambrini if i get desperate when the wine runs out).
Rocky has just pinched a weetabix box, got the lot on the floor and tried to swallow a whole weetabix at once. You can't image the trouble I had trying to get it out of his throat bit by bit whilst he was frothing and gasping. He doesnt recommend anybody else trying to swallow a whole dry weetabix he says.
I went shopping once but called off at a shop on the way home (i had the dog in the car at the time) and came out to what was a full box of corn flakes - empty!!!
Don`t you just love`m !!!!

full stop once gobled up 8 easter eggs a couple of days before english derby at seaham :blink: glad i wasnt tested lol :eek: she also ate the full pan of fat from chip pan and made her sick :x greedy bliters whippets :p blue goblin pinches anything at any time
i must have the only whippet that wont do anything like that .even if the kids drop sweets its very rare he will eat them he just sniffs them then walks away.most people would say its a god send, i very rarley weigh him because his wieght never changes :D
Mark ive got one exactly the same (mine go from one extreme to the other!) Robyn dropped a packet of smarties the other night & they stayed there until i picked them up, if ella had of been in the house i would have got near them!

She still weigh's 27lb her racing weight & she's nearly 11
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At last years scottish derby southern scott nicked a family pack of crisps, with 14 packs in he ate the lot except the salt and vinigar !. I then gave him a pint of milk and fairy liquid, then a second pint of water with whiskey in, needless to say he was not sick, but he had the squirts all next day. I also had Jackerella in my caravan at the english derby and i swear you could leave him there on his own with a roast dinner on the floor and all he does is sniff it, lucky or what.
i can remember kev telling me the story of mad mick geting gordens pork lunchen meat sarnis through the bars of his cage and out of a plastic carrier bag eating all 6 just before a champ weight final but luckily for gorden mick still won his title
One of my mums old dogs used to open the fridge and empty it - and she seemed to know that Friday was shoppin day - wait until no-one was in kitchen with her and then go for it, happened about three times then dad had bright idea - drilled hole in top of fridge through fridge door and used to drop a six inch nail through top - Child Proof well whippet proof from then on.

I remember when I was just going out with John. He had a brand rew car his pride and joy :( well we went to pick up my mum at her caravan tobring her home and she got into the back of the car with a carrier bag. Her shopping ;) . I did remember saying to her not to leave it in the car when we went for our lunch at the cafe.

Well we had a very nice lunch and walking back to the car all we could see was the 2 whippet's looking very proud sitting in the back seat, that's when I rememberd the carrier bag :eek:

The dog's looked very full and the car was a mess. The had eaten butter,a whole chicken,eggs and the shells, bread the list goes on.

I though John was going to have a fit, his face was very red, he did mutter a few swear words, cleaned the car the best he could and we drove home in total silence. I thought our romance was over but almost 12 years latter we are still together but I no longer have the 2 whippet's.

We bought a dog guard for the car :thumbsup:
:p :p hi solano here my dog sits in front of my hubby and crys with his head going off side to side until he gives him a drink of milk but if my hubby don t he will just take it anyway :D :D
When Double Impact was a small pup she would jump into the kitchen bin.

One day I pulled the inner bag out of the bin tied it and took it outside.

Alittle while later there was a noise outside I opened the front door there sat Josie waiting to come in. She had torn her way out of the bin bag.

Good job the bin men where late that day :oops: