Has anybody else had experience of this:- wherever I take my male 20 month old sweetheart Louie, most other male dogs fall in love with him (by means of licking his bits, then wanting to do the business :- ). Honestly, it's wherever I go with him, the same thing happens. Louie is not intact anymore, and the male 'love struck' dogs can be either have their manhoods or not, dosen't make much difference. I am just amazed (as well as their owners) how much other dogs are utterly obsessed with Louie. They want to follow him everywhere when we go on fields etc.
I know Louie is particularly pretty, but i am astounded by this doggie behaviour. Maybe he is just sending the wrong signals, or omits high female hormones!
I know Louie is particularly pretty, but i am astounded by this doggie behaviour. Maybe he is just sending the wrong signals, or omits high female hormones!