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They Were Going To Shoot Them


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Brilliant news - Chloe, Taffy, Mia and .....wait for it,,,,,,Diddles all have new homes to go to and someone is going to look at Big Al today!!!! (They would be fools not to love him - he has a wonderful temperament.)

Sadly the lady who was going to foster Rags has decided against, so (Mug here) I am going to take him in. I will pick him up on Tuesday and try and bring him out of himself a little, I am sure my dogs will be more than glad to help me!! I have one of my ex. foster dogs with me until next Monday evening, his mum and dad are having a short break and he always come back to me) but I think his mum and dad would be a bit shocked if they saw this hairless little skeleton here at the same time!!!

I will keep you updated on any future news.

Thanks to all those who have given so much encouragement and good wishes on this site.
Good on yer , girl

Take some pics of him if you can , then you can do a before and after shot

I did that once witha racing Greyhound found on the A52 , :angry: Just Skin and bone she was :rant: ,so down in herself she wouldnt even lift her head up :( But with in a few weeks or maybe it was longer , she was a gleaming , black,well fed happy girl :D Ive got my pics somewhere , Havnt a clue where though :oops:
great to hear Julie that things are looking up for them and i'm sure you will have weight and fur on him in no time, :thumbsup:
JAX said:
Good on yer , girl
Take some pics of him if you can , then you can do a before and after shot

I did that once witha racing Greyhound found on the A52 , :angry:   Just Skin and bone she was  :rant: ,so down in herself she wouldnt even lift her head up  :(   But with in a few weeks or maybe it was longer , she was a gleaming , black,well fed  happy girl :D Ive got my pics somewhere , Havnt a clue where though  :oops:

Please try and find them, I could do with a good weep! :huggles:
Excellent news for the lucky 4 :luck: And hopefully it all worked out for Big Al :thumbsup:

Maybe best for Rags if the potential fosterer pulled out, better to come clean if she was'nt 100%, than mess him about.

Best knews for him that your fostering him...know there is a long road to go there, but hopefully a lot of places to stop and delight in the little triumphs on his road to recovery. :cheers:

Your a star BTW :cheers: And dont say well...its nothing much or anyone would do the same 'cos its just not true, and we all know it. :thumbsup:
well done you!lots of piccies too please :)
I'm really looking forward to Rags coming. I don't know how we are going to get him in the car though, even worse, I don't know how I am going to get him out when I get him home !!!! I am hoping my neighbour is around and will help me carry the crate out with Rags still in it. He is apparently terrified of everything, so it will be a challenge, just hope I am up to it. It is almost 3 years since I was taking foster dogs in, I'm a bit nervous this time.

One of my friends has said she will come and take some pics of him when he has settled in a bit, so hopefully lots of pics to come!!!

Of course, someone may come and give him a home before Tuesday - miracles do happen - just look at Diddles, he has been in the kennels for almost a year with no interest at all. The couple who took him thought he was stunning and had the most beautiful eyes, well at least he could watch both of them at the same time - one eye on each of them, wherever they were in the room!!!!!

As they say - beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
might be worth getting a dap diffuser in for when he arrives, poor lad will be really stressed, let me know if i can help :thumbsup:
I've totally missed all of this, sounds terrifying but it seems that it has ended up ok


duh! I've just seen the first bit - sorry

chloe is beautiful :*

Diddles is certainly a show stopper ;)
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Good luck with poor little Rags :luck: .

So glad about the others :D
[SIZE=14pt]Well, Rags is here.[/SIZE]and do I know it!! He is not house trained (well, I knew he wouldn't be) and is just clueless about everything - EXCEPT bonking! He is driving my girls mad, all 4 of them have told him off, but he doesn't listen. He will have to spend more time in his crate than I would like until he settles a bit, none of my dogs have had a minutes peace since he came.

He is very loving though, he is black, longish rough coated with white trim. He will be lovely when he grows a bit more coat. His feet appear enormous and very flat, he has obviously had no excercise whatsoever. He is about 21-22", so not too big to have around in my already cluttered home.

He is going to the vets in the morning for a check, he will start his vacs in another week and the sooner his "bits" come off the better!!!

My friend from the rescue is coming to take some pics tomorrow night, so I will post them on a new thread as soon as possible.

The good news is that all the other dogs have found homes, the girl who owns the kennels has worked wonders, she deserves a medal. (Not bad for one of these gundog show people eh?)
glad they have all got sorted :thumbsup:

pics are deffinately a must :D
Brilliant news i have only just read about these poor dogs... :eek: fantastic they have found happiness I was looking at the Burnley website and thrilled to noticed Bracken in the Homed section, i have seen Petra and Bracken fly round the agility courses, i never knew she was from this rescue :wub:
I spotted one on the site that is a double of one of our rescue dogs Ted. Ive never seen one like him before!!!

Candy candy.jpg



BTW has Jess found a home? She is lovely and just the kind of lurcher i've always wanted? It's sad that all the oldies get left behind :'(
Jess went to her new home yesterday, the only question is that they have a cat!!! If it doesn't work out she will come back, so I will let you know if that happens. All the dogs have been homed on that basis, if it doesn't work out, they must come back, hopefully all the homes seem really good so fingers crossed that they work out. I just need someone for Rags now, I just think that the sooner he (or any rescue dog) goes to their new home the better.

House training scores:- Cage 1, carpet 2 outside 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The sooner the penny drops the better - and not on my carpet please.