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The Yorkshire Show


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Well, my boss decided to take us for a day out yesterday to the yorkshire show :p and he paid for us :D

Here's some pics

Pakefield ferrets display



Headless dog (w00t)


Coursing greyhounds



Foxhound pup :wub:


Beagle pack :wub: :wub: :wub:



Other animals




Rasta sheep


Also watched the falconry display but didn't get any good pics cos I was borrowing a colleagues camera and its an old one! Got a nice pic of this eagle owl though

I was just saying on another thread I hadnt been for a few years. Its a great show...thanks for showing us your pictures. :cheers:

My school used to have a trip out there every year, although schools dont seem to take the kids there now. :(
looks like you had a great day :thumbsup: ,ive never been to the show :( ,looks like im missing alot.

how lucky are you all for having a boss that treats you all to a day out :thumbsup:
:) I used to take my son there as he was obsessed with tractors and diggers :lol: Loads of things to see and do. Think there is a big working terrier show on the Thursday :thumbsup:

i love it! :D

best show ever.

We always go every year and normally compete my show horse... but its soooo expensive now :(
I love country and agricultural shows. Our local one, the Bakewell show will be here soon...can't wait..providing it stops raining and the meadows have a chance to dry out.

Thanks for sharing the photos... :)
Another coming up is CLA Game Fair which is excellent!!! :thumbsup: This year its at Harewood house again - the weekend after Leeds Champ Show. Got everything to do with country pursuits. Its a massive big show and well worth a visit.

littlenell said:
Another coming up is CLA Game Fair which is excellent!!!  :thumbsup: This year its at Harewood house again -  the weekend after Leeds Champ Show.  Got everything to do with country pursuits.  Its a massive big show and well worth a visit. Tina

Yay! Going to this one too, weather permitting of course :p you can take your dogs to this but Molly doesn't do rain :lol:

When is the Bakewell show? Thats where we are staying for our hols :D
jezza said:
littlenell said:
Another coming up is CLA Game Fair which is excellent!!!  :thumbsup: This year its at Harewood house again -  the weekend after Leeds Champ Show.  Got everything to do with country pursuits.  Its a massive big show and well worth a visit. Tina

Yay! Going to this one too, weather permitting of course :p you can take your dogs to this but Molly doesn't do rain :lol:

When is the Bakewell show? Thats where we are staying for our hols :D

Just checked the dates of the Bakewell Show, Lucy, and it's the 1st and 2nd of August so unfortunately it's not during your holiday and we're away as well. :( Would have been fun to go along to that - I've not been before.
I checked the dates as well and you're right, we aren't there that week :( which week are you away?