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The New Advert - Eliminate Bad Behaviour


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OMG - advice includes 'if your dog barks, mix water and vinegar and use a water pistol to shoot it at his chest'.

Free bonus - 15 Foods That Could Kill Your Dog - showing an apple on the cover. Yes, in theory apple pips could kill your dog but the amount he'd have to eat renders it virtually impossible. Similarly garlic - a small amount is beneficial rather than harmful.

Other tips are promoted as super quick fixes which also leaves me a bit skeptical.

I know advertising money is important revenue but maybe as a dog advice site, it's disappointing to see something like this as a banner ad.
Aaaaand, we did it again, Joanne - I've messaged Josie about it and she also isn't happy with it, so I think it will be disappeared. But then again, it does promise 'Teach your dog this 1 word to stop them from barking IMMEDIATELY. This works on ANY dog, no matter their age, and no matter how much they love to bark.'

Wow - wouldn't you really like to know what that word is.....?o_O
And the Adrienne Farricelli Develop Your Dog's Intelligence is just clickbait for selling a book that spouts alpha dominance rubbish including this gem -

"Kids are an important part of every family and most of the times they are the ones who like dogs most. You need to make sure that your dog is kids friendly because in many cases it is seen that dogs get jealous of the kids because they do not want their master to pay attention to someone else. This behavior should be corrected. You should encourage your dog’s good behavior like sitting and you should also discourage bad behavior like barking or jumping. Kids like to hug their dogs and you should train your dog to like hugs."

So - train your dog to submit to hugs, even if he hates it, risking that one day he might say enough, snap, and injure the child.

The first advert also said that the book would tell you what ingredient you could use to get your dog to vomit if poisoned. Gah, some poisons can do more damage on the way up than the way down, that advice is downright dangerous!

Not that hugging a dog that doesn't like to be hugged isn't dangerous.... :eek:
The first advert also said that the book would tell you what ingredient you could use to get your dog to vomit if poisoned. Gah, some poisons can do more damage on the way up than the way down, that advice is downright dangerous!

Not that hugging a dog that doesn't like to be hugged isn't dangerous.... :eek:
Not to mention the risk of aspirating the magic ingredient.