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The Most Painfull Day Of My Life!


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hey all

some of you will know and some of u will not that i have been ill now for almost a year. we are still trying to find out what is causing the high red blood count but no clues yet, so today was a fun day of bone marrow dynorod!

i tell u that nurse was a joke! i have never in all my years of being in constant pain through my legs ever had a more painful experiance! if u ever have the misfortune of having this done make sure u are given a sedative ( didnt even know that one was available till after id gritted my teeth while i was attacked with a bloody great needle..and i mean a 10 inch one!!!!). because i couldnt bend my knees to a full featal position it took 20 mins of stabbing till she got the right bone, i kept feeling the needle lodge into my hip bone and then flick out....OWCH!!!!!!
Ouch poor you, that sounds horrid. I've had facet joint injections and nerve denervation, which is not nice either so you have my utmost sympathy, although you do get a bit of sedation with them. Hopefully, they will get to the bottom of it now and get you on the road to recovery. :luck:
Poor you...I hope you get over it soon. :huggles:

I also hope they can find out from this why you've been so poorly... :luck:
ouch!that sounds awful Em.i once had to drink/eat a barium meal.that was the pits i thought until they sent me for the camera down the throat! :x (w00t) but it was mainly uncomfortable rather than painful.i sometimes think the cures worse than the disease!
thanks for the kind words guys im lapping them up :)

with any luck this will find out whats up with me....or just shoot me either or. (w00t)

i too had the meal a few months ago kris and what fun that got somewhat colourful :x
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Sorry to hear you had such a horrible and painful experience :( - hope they get the information they needed to get you on the road to recovery very soon :huggles:
That sounds horrible - poor you :(

Fingers crossed now that they find out what the problem is and you don't have to have any nasty needles again :)
lol if i see anyone with so much as a knitting needle near me in the near future im gonna hit them with my walking stick! (w00t)
Sorry to hear of all the pain your in , makes one look at oneself to realsie how lucky we are .

Hope all goes well from now on :cheers:
:- " ooh how painful, I have heard how bad the bone marrow extraction is in the past, when my friends little girl got leukaemia it spurred me into going on the marrow donor list, even in the knowledge of how bad it is, I've not been called up for a match, YET ! :- " but will just have to compare my pain against all the good it may do for someone suffering even worse.

Hope you get sorted soon :luck: :luck:
Im going to stop moaning now :( puts me to shame ... and hope you are feeling better soon :luck: :luck:
Oh dear that sounds seriously horrible, I hope that it at least leads to a solution.
hi, poor you-hope they find out what is wrong, i to, went through loads of tests and really horrid procedures, :x all to no avail, keep smiling.xx :huggles:
dana said:
hey all
some of you will know and some of u will not that i have been ill now for almost a year. we are still trying to find out what is causing the high red blood count but no clues yet, so today was a fun day of bone marrow dynorod!

i tell u that nurse was a joke! i have never in all my years of being in constant pain through my legs ever had a more painful experiance! if u ever have the misfortune of having this done make sure u are given a sedative ( didnt even know that one was available till after id gritted my teeth while i was attacked with a bloody great needle..and i mean a 10 inch one!!!!). because i couldnt bend my knees to a full featal position it took 20 mins of stabbing till she got the right bone, i kept feeling the needle lodge into my hip bone and then flick out....OWCH!!!!!!

I'l never complain about my piles again, get well soon Dana

keith :cheers:
Ouch :wacko: that piles of ironing, money, dust, women :- "

Seriously....i could think of better ways of inflicting pain and enjoying the sensation...but thats another forum (w00t)

hope you get sorted real soon :huggles:
ecksey said:
hi, poor you-hope they find out what is wrong, i to,  went through loads of tests and really horrid procedures,  :x all to no avail, keep smiling.xx :huggles:
Ecksey, I know everyone wants to find the cause and then cure their trouble, but it's never 'to no avail', think of all the tests as an MOT, at least they will have excluded many things :luck: :thumbsup:
Ooh you poor thing..sounds agony,hope you get sorted soon :luck: :luck: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
thanks guys im feeling much better today...i even managed to wipe my a*se this morning, i had to use the shower head last night :x

u whats really bizaar? when they finally got into the bone and started drawing the marrow out, it felt like when ur at the bottom of ur coke at subway a weird sluuuuurping. if it didnt hurt so much it would of been funny, i kept feeling it all night shifting back into place (w00t)