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The Jasper "has Landed"


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Hello and sorry for not updating earlier

Well, my hubby and I picked up Jasper last Wednesday and promptly renamed him Fletcher in the car on the way home....I know not everyones cup of tea but it really seems to suit him to us.

We started off with him in the crate by the bed and tried maybe a bit too early to "edge him a bit further away" (hubbys idea, numpty). He is now spending every night snuggled up in our bed due to that failed attempt, which I adore. We dont ultimately really want him sleeping with us but in our room would be fine so we will take it all day by day. Its a learning process for us all.......

He is a real joy, he loves his cuddles, goes outside to do his business (mostly), eats really well and is generally a really good boy.

He cries when I go upstairs for the loo or am out of his sight for a second but once I talk to him from there he goes off to play.

We left him for the first time today and I really missed him. My mum came in twice in the morning and then he went off to his Nanas for the afternoon to play with his "friends" Patsy and Shelley.

All in all, happy as larry but very tired.....I will put some piccys on as soon as I can sort it out.

Jen x
I have just endured another torrid weekend of remembrance, just won,t go away.

Well your post has just a smile back on my face, thank you,

:cheers: CONGRATULATIONS :cheers: on getting your pup, looking forward to seeing the pictures.

Aw I think "Fletcher" would really suit him! :) Glad to hear he's getting you well trained!! :- "
oliverpliers said:
Aw I think "Fletcher" would really suit him! :) Glad to hear he's getting you well trained!! :- "
Yes,I have to agree :blink: it does sound as though he is training you well. :lol:

Good Luck with him he sounds lovely! :huggles:
I told you whippets make a good substitute for hot water bottles :lol:

i'm so pleased to here he's settled in well & ruling the roost :thumbsup: :D

Here he is with his Uncle Murph!

yes , he looked a handsome chap when I saw him on Weds at Debs , :- "

Fletcher is a good name , you can name the next one Godber :- " :lol:

Good luck with him :luck: :huggles: :cheers: