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The Golden Whippet


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ive been chatting to lyndon and said i wud try and explain best i can on here about the *golden whippet* idea if im wrong im sure lyndon can tell me where im wrong.

ok 1st off this competiiton wud b ran indepently by a group of 5 or 6 whippet racers (volunteers) not ran by bwra/fed or whippet news totally independent.

say 20 opens per year wud count 15 straight opens and 5 bend opens.

if your club wants to host one of these opens your club wud pay £10 so if wallsend rising sun were to say have the brandy queen as one of the elite opens the club wud pay £10 to enter. if people want to enter their dogs in the competition u have to pay £5.00 either per dog or per kennel (not been decided yet)

so say wallsend brandy queen is the open weve paid the tenner for, we then sell a football card (which we do anyway) thw winner still gets the £20 but instead of the club getting the other £20 the competition wud. so all your club is going to lose on the day is the money off the football card and £10 out the kitty. everything else is ran as it always has been, raffle etc still goes to the club.

all money paid in gets paid out and i think lyndon said he has a few sponsers so it be big payouts. who will get paid? well there will be a top 5 adults (i assume dogs and bitches together) a top 5 scratch (36/40/45/55/no limit) all , a veteran top 5, a puppy to 5 and a yearling top 5.

a point system wud have to be put in place that wud have to b looked into, but it cud be something like 1 point apperance, 2 points a heat win, 3 points a class win, 4 points a bitch or dog win and 5 points a supreme. this is just an idea dont forget.

i personnaly think its a great idea and imo it shud b £5.00 per kennel. so if i wanted to enter my kennels next year id have one scratch dog and 2 bitches so id enter the scratch and the adult competiton with my fiver but as theres only going to nbe 15 straight opens and i thought i had a big chance of winning big money it wud make me travel more. hope ive explained it well lyndon but if i havent u can put me right. :thumbsup:

im doing a for instance here say the top 20 opens cud be @ these clubs, kirkcaldy (scottish derby) wallsend rising sun, dawdon, stockton, horden, shirebrook, old hall, maltby, east ayreshire, worsceter, devon (english derby) thurrok , ayclife, a &t t miners, and another one to make up the 15 straights champs not incuded. then 5 on the bends cambois, easington, westhougthon, harlow and highgate maybe each club cud just have one golden elite open making it harder to win :thumbsup:
Spot on carol :thumbsup: I not good on pc as mic but thanks like I say just idea :thumbsup:
Lyndon I think its a cracking idea, well done on the explaining Carole :thumbsup: . Just a small thing , which is a bit of a pet thing of mine, if you have a handicap veteran could we have one for scratch veteran. I think if you've managed to get a scratch dog through to 5yrs old still racing then we should be celebrating that as much as the handicap vets. The big dogs take some knocks in the cut and thrust of racing, if they are still fit to race in their later years it helps to show good breeding. Ok I'm off my soap box now :lol:

Think its a great idea, hope something comes of it :thumbsup:
Sorry posted twice
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Lyndon I think its a cracking idea, well done on the explaining Carole :thumbsup: . Just a small thing , which is a bit of a pet thing of mine, if you have a handicap veteran could we have one for scratch veteran. I think if you've managed to get a scratch dog through to 5yrs old still racing then we should be celebrating that as much as the handicap vets. The big dogs take some knocks in the cut and thrust of racing, if they are still fit to race in their later years it helps to show good breeding. Ok I'm off my soap box now :lol: Think its a great idea, hope something comes of it :thumbsup:

as not many veretan scratch cud u add the vet scratch in with the adult scratch somehow? i mean u wud still get yr points etc i think u cud work it out in with the rest of the scratch
Lyndon I think its a cracking idea, well done on the explaining Carole :thumbsup: . Just a small thing , which is a bit of a pet thing of mine, if you have a handicap veteran could we have one for scratch veteran. I think if you've managed to get a scratch dog through to 5yrs old still racing then we should be celebrating that as much as the handicap vets. The big dogs take some knocks in the cut and thrust of racing, if they are still fit to race in their later years it helps to show good breeding. Ok I'm off my soap box now :lol: Think its a great idea, hope something comes of it :thumbsup:

as not many veretan scratch cud u add the vet scratch in with the adult scratch somehow? i mean u wud still get yr points etc i think u cud work it out in with the rest of the scratch
We could have just one top scratch vet, not a top 5, so you could have scratch top 5 plus 1 scratch vet

Love The Golden Whippet by the way, should definitely use that :thumbsup:
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personally things like that can be sorted if/when the idea takes off, if people think lyndons idea is a good one which i do, clubs have to aswell,

idea is brilliant hope someone wants to work with the idea and it takes off im sure any help would be welcome :thumbsup:
Lyndon I think its a cracking idea, well done on the explaining Carole :thumbsup: . Just a small thing , which is a bit of a pet thing of mine, if you have a handicap veteran could we have one for scratch veteran. I think if you've managed to get a scratch dog through to 5yrs old still racing then we should be celebrating that as much as the handicap vets. The big dogs take some knocks in the cut and thrust of racing, if they are still fit to race in their later years it helps to show good breeding. Ok I'm off my soap box now :lol: Think its a great idea, hope something comes of it :thumbsup:

as not many veretan scratch cud u add the vet scratch in with the adult scratch somehow? i mean u wud still get yr points etc i think u cud work it out in with the rest of the scratch
We could have just one top scratch vet, not a top 5, so you could have scratch top 5 plus 1 scratch vet

Love The Golden Whippet by the way, should definitely use that :thumbsup:

i was thinking along those lines as like i said not many vet scratch so u cud either just do top one or add them in with all the other scratch u pay yr fiver same as everyone else and if u win vet scr class u get points etc. it wud take a big of thinking about but im sure its workable and lyndon has said the main concept is for to try to get more people attending more opens it still wont stop people going to normal opens as well coz the elite open is already one of yr opens. just say in 2011 our biggest turn out was the brandy queen 2nd last straight open of the year 55 dogs now if next year we had that as our elite golden whippet open it cud attract more people to this open heck we may get 75 instead of 55. u never know i think its a fab idea.
Its a brill idea ..i do think when choosing the opens -events that count some consideration should be taking into previous club opens that's had poor attendances..hopefully this would attract people to travel to them and boost the entries for the said clubs..i know the derby's have been mentioned ..but these events always get good turnouts any way same as champs ...or you could add the big events and then club events thats had lesses enterys in the past could be given double points
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i personally think each club shud only be allowed 1 golden whippet elite open. for instance we have 4 @ the rising sun @ the moment 2 r bwra one of our own and one is westerhopes IMO only one of these shud count. highgate might have 10 opens but only one shud count (not champs) myself i wud pick the club open that had the biggest entries in the previous year. :thumbsup: your club chooses which open u want as the golden whippet elite open (or wotever it wud b called) and the tenner wud b paid for that open :thumbsup:
also on the points system thing lyndon explained it quite well to me, u dont want to be givng too many points away so someone cant be caught as theyve gained so many points @ the begining of the year. i wud suggest something along the lines of 1point for apperance, 2 for a heat win, 3 for a class win, 4 for a dog or bitch section and 5 for a supreme win. thats for the adults! pups, yearlings, vets and scratch are normally ran all in so 1 for apperance, 2 for heat win, 3 for class win and 5 for supreme or something along those lines. :thumbsup:
If every active club had an elite open how many would that actually be, one per club if the clubs wanted to join in, not excluding any club would be good, as not sure exactly how many clubs run now but wouldn't be many more than the said 20 i wouldn't think.
great idea could these 20 events be the top ten, the only thing I would add is 4 champs and 2 derbys but these wouldn,t count for your golden whippet

so in total 26 topten events and with only 20 counting for the golden whippet event

cheers jim
great idea could these 20 events be the top ten, the only thing I would add is 4 champs and 2 derbys but these wouldn,t count for your golden whippet
so in total 26 topten events and with only 20 counting for the golden whippet event

cheers jim

it wud b @ an open yr club already has 4 instance the brandy queen is already a top ten open @ wallsend but if we wanted that particular open(it cud b any of the 4 we have @ wallsend thats just a 4 instance) as the *golden whippet* one as well we wud just pay the ten pound, if u want to enter yr dog/kennel u wud pay your fiver @ the begining of the year so if u thought u had a chance of winning it u wud maybe go to an open that u wudnt have nessacarily gone to had this not being in place. hope that makes sense? :thumbsup:
This was idea of my to bring whippet racing forward and to bring new people in to sport at these hard times because what really is there to draw people to whippet racing ( crap trophys at some of events I been to , low pay out 80%|70%|50% sometimes no payout and cost small fortune in fuel bills & need good motor to get around some of opens ) (good points (some great weekends events,some opens put add prize money some opens really try with there trophys) I personally look back at year think to my self how to try improve and get bigger turn out like said this was just idea I spoke to lot of whippeters 6 which were willing to sponsor elite idea did not mean more opens it just was run along side normal calendar I personally would always help out at any open or club meeting which I done but if people think if sit back doing big fat zero this sport will go forward and stop people jack the sport in they best thing again and remember I toid you so this is just my opinion I hate to write any negative things on k9 :thumbsup:
This was idea of my to bring whippet racing forward and to bring new people in to sport at these hard times because what really is there to draw people to whippet racing ( crap trophys at some of events I been to , low pay out 80%|70%|50% sometimes no payout and cost small fortune in fuel bills & need good motor to get around some of opens ) (good points (some great weekends events,some opens put add prize money some opens really try with there trophys) I personally look back at year think to my self how to try improve and get bigger turn out like said this was just idea I spoke to lot of whippeters 6 which were willing to sponsor elite idea did not mean more opens it just was run along side normal calendar I personally would always help out at any open or club meeting which I done but if people think if sit back doing big fat zero this sport will go forward and stop people jack the sport in they best thing again and remember I toid you so this is just my opinion I hate to write any negative things on k9 :thumbsup:
GOOD IDEA. :thumbsup:
This was idea of my to bring whippet racing forward and to bring new people in to sport at these hard times because what really is there to draw people to whippet racing ( crap trophys at some of events I been to , low pay out 80%|70%|50% sometimes no payout and cost small fortune in fuel bills & need good motor to get around some of opens ) (good points (some great weekends events,some opens put add prize money some opens really try with there trophys) I personally look back at year think to my self how to try improve and get bigger turn out like said this was just idea I spoke to lot of whippeters 6 which were willing to sponsor elite idea did not mean more opens it just was run along side normal calendar I personally would always help out at any open or club meeting which I done but if people think if sit back doing big fat zero this sport will go forward and stop people jack the sport in they best thing again and remember I toid you so this is just my opinion I hate to write any negative things on k9 :thumbsup:
Totally respect what you are trying to do Lyndon, I don't think that you should take some of the comments that have been made too personally. As always everyone has an opinion and some are going to be for an idea and some are always going to be against an idea. I'm not saying that i'm totally against the idea but I have to agree with what Mark said. I don't think that the lure of prize money has ever or will ever be a part of my desicion to take part in whippet racing. When I started the sport 3 and a bit years ago the point for me was to get a dog for the exercise and to get out of the house and meet people. The fact that my dogs could potentially win races was just an added bonus to the joy of owning a dog. One of the first things Dave ever said to me was there is no money in whippet racing and I obviously was quite happy to join the sport on that basis.

I'm not saying that it is not good when you do get a little bit of money back, with the cost of fuel and everything it's nice to get a little something back to go towards the spiralling costs, but I don't think that increased prize money is the answer. I can only see it causing more arguements and more cheating from the small minority who take the sport far too seriously. Not that I am aware of any such things going on but I can only assume that the reason drug testing started is because it did and may still happen. For the most part I turn a blind eye to the arguements that I have heard of and ocasionally witnessed in this sport because I know that if i took it to heart i'd be like one of the many who have dropped out of this sport. I have to keep telling myself that i do it because my dogs enjoy it and every desicion i make i make to the benefit of my dogs. But right now I don't think that i would even recommend the sport to a newcomer without first warning them of how much negativity goes around.

I don't want anyone one to take what i have written to heart I am only saying it as i see it from the position of someone who has only been in the sport a short time. I really would like to see this sport improve and I have long been gutted that i wasn't around in it's hay day. I hope someone does find an answer to save the sport but unfortunalty Lyndon I dont think yours is it. JMO.
great idea could these 20 events be the top ten, the only thing I would add is 4 champs and 2 derbys but these wouldn,t count for your golden whippet
so in total 26 topten events and with only 20 counting for the golden whippet event

cheers jim
Cheers jim nice hear of somebody north of border :thumbsup:
Lyndon I think its a cracking idea, well done on the explaining Carole :thumbsup: . Just a small thing , which is a bit of a pet thing of mine, if you have a handicap veteran could we have one for scratch veteran. I think if you've managed to get a scratch dog through to 5yrs old still racing then we should be celebrating that as much as the handicap vets. The big dogs take some knocks in the cut and thrust of racing, if they are still fit to race in their later years it helps to show good breeding. Ok I'm off my soap box now :lol: Think its a great idea, hope something comes of it :thumbsup:
Thanks for reply Marie :thumbsup: