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The East Of England Show

Debbie b

New Member
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I went to the East of england, not to show or race but to see some of the club members i used to course with,

i had a really good day meeting up with old friends and new ones, finally got to meet spike and super ted ownened by finleyfoo, amanda and pete are a lovely couple

also met up with Roger and his dog andy, what a dog he is :thumbsup:

Well done to maria with rebus winning the champion of champions and caddy with ripley winning reserve 2 deserved winners :thumbsup:







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thanks for putting pics up of andy had a great day racing

was nice to see you again debbie

Andy is ac racking looking dog roger, i hope to meet you guys in the flesh one day :) I love his mask round his eyes :)
Thanks for putting the picture's up Debs, :thumbsup: i love Peterborough show, ;) well done everyone who took part. :thumbsup: di
Great pics Deb,was great to meet you at last.Well done Roger on winning the overs :thumbsup:

I did,nt realise it was you until i saw the pics.Pete was gutted about Cracker pulling up,but these things happen,thanks for coming and shaking

his hand.

Brill photos Debbie.

well done Rodger with Andy pandy did you have a go at showing as well??

who else won?
Brill photos Debbie.
well done Rodger with Andy pandy did you have a go at showing as well??

who else won?

Helen won the unders, not sure which one of hers

john miles won the coursing

maggie's pup won the puppy racing with clair taylors coming second

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Brill photos Debbie.
well done Rodger with Andy pandy did you have a go at showing as well??

who else won?

Helen won the unders, not sure which one of hers

john miles won the coursing

maggie's pup won the puppy racing with clair taylors coming second

thanks for that Debbie missed a good show there but we realy needed to finish Jades bedroom I can officaly say its FINISHED and looks VERY black and white very posh it is (w00t)
Well done to all the winners especially Maria with Rebus and John with Ripley and not forgetting Roger with Andy, see you all again next year.

Well done to everyone and how wonderful to see Rebus and Ripley as champions :thumbsup:

Congratulations also to Andy (lovely looking dog) and to John Miles' dog (which one was it?) for winning the coursing :cheers:
Well done to everyone and how wonderful to see Rebus and Ripley as champions :thumbsup: Congratulations also to Andy (lovely looking dog) and to John Miles' dog (which one was it?) for winning the coursing :cheers:

Little hoy jane :thumbsup:
Good to see nothing changes with the showing!! :-

Well done to Maria and rebus and to everyone else that won something :thumbsup:
I may have mislead you with my comment in reply to helsbels....I was being sarcastic, as I do not think there was anything wrong with the results. The Best dogs won ;)