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The Doughnut Story ...


a totally addicted
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As we were leaving Sydney to begin our long journey home to Queensland after the Spring Fair, my friend mentioned that there was a Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop on the way and that I should try some. I readily agreed, having been told of the delights of Krispy Kremes (an American icon) by Merril (k9 member) during my brief stay with her in California, but not actually getting around to tasting them.

So in we go - no hot ones on the go unfortunately (Merril had said you really need to have them hot) but I bought 6 cold ones anyway of different flavours and decorations and so did my friend. There were choc iced, custard filled ones, apple and cinnamon ones, devil's food ones (almost death-by-chocolate).

And we set off on the road out.

We stopped at a little place called Hartley - having noticed the beautiful sandstone historical village on the way in and identifying it as a great place to take some lovely photos of our dogs.

We got out of the car for a quick look around to make sure that we wouldn't be in trouble for having dogs there and taking photos and went back to the car to get the pooches - my whippets in the car (Dino and Aime in a crate, and Cash loose) and her Great Danes in the trailer.

As I approached the car I realised that Cash was no longer in the back but on the front seat - head down, bum up and obviously into something very interesting ....

MY DOUGHNUTS!!!!. I was not quick enough - I could rescue only one (which I gave to Dino and Aime to be fair) but he had demolished four and a half of them - all sickly sweet and disgustingly chocolatey.

My friend Janelle roared with laughter finding it all hysterically funny. That was until we stopped again an hour or so later .... and although she had stashed her box with her precious one remaining doughnut under the front seat, that was no safe hiding place from a WHIPPET! She came back to find the box up on the seat, the doughnut gone and little pieces of chocolate icing and sugar all over the seat.

Needless to say I was not laughing ... I was imagining the state of his stomach and the resultant rear output in about 12 - 24 hours time.....

He was not a well boy the next day.
You should know better than to leave food whithin reach of a whippet!!!!! Seriously though, I have never known a breed that can detect and destroy food so quickly, I hate to imagine what came through the following day.

How did the spring fair go?
Dino got a second in his class on Sunday under the american lady.

Cash and Aime got zilch.

I am eventually going to write up Saturday's results on the showing thread - I don't have Sunday's - will have to do what I can from memory.

My friend took BIS at the Great Dane Specialty with "Merlin" and I took RCC with the young dog "Oliver" on Sunday and she got Open of Breed with her Grand Ch "Dooley" on Sunday as well. They all got zip on Saturday.
mmmmmm, doughnuts :lol:
:lol: A delicious time was certainly had by Cash!!!
That must beat TJ's six brandy laced mince pies last Christmas!!!