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The Clippers Have Been Out


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hi guys.. as you might be aware Peony clipped the kids at the weekend...

below is a nice pic of Rosie and Basil showing them sporting their summer look

blu has been done as well but i havent got a pic as of yet...


they look so good and it's given them a new lease of life in the summer heat ..

it really is stiffling here at the mo
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm can anyone spot the lovely fluffy lion type tail i left??????

Give them kids a kiss :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Bet they're glad of it in this weather!!
I did the same to my 17year old lab X and she loved it every year I did it no matter what she looked she looked like then she would try and drink every river and stream she got into :)) :x
Bet they appreciated that.

Just out of curiosity, does it affect the texture of their coats when it grows back? I know once you've clipped a Mini Schnauzer, the rough wiry coat is lost and a soft fluffy one grows back in its place. Just wondered if this was only true for short wirehaired type dogs or other too?
Ask me in a few weeks Nicola! At the moment they all feel quite 'fluffy' with soft coats, but there are coarser 'cat' hairs growing through. Thinking about it, I removed 5 years of growth off Basil, so I dont know how long its going to take for him to get back to his ragged look!

One thing I have noticed though, is that I have FAR less hoovering to do!!!!!!!