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??? Hi, surely if we are to ban the use of kickboards we need to ban them alltogether and not just by the BWRA, the dogs won't know what they are doing from one week to the next, I am all for banning kickboards but we need a total ban.... what are your views on this :b ;) :p ???
I agree with the banning of kickboards but this can only work if both the BWRA & NWRF come together on the ruling.
The BWRA have banned kickboards and this cannot be changed till the next A.G.M. the most sensible way forward is for the Fed. to do the same. I shudder to think of the chaos it cause if this does not happen. I for one don't want an advantage over my competitors because I've made a better kickboard than them,I also do not want the reverse. Makes you think, who made the first kickboard and why, if not to gain an advantage over : everyone else. Our dogs should if they can, win on merit. Cheers Mick. :D
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We have pups to train and one on the track. Im not running her off a kickboard one week, and without the next. So if the main bodies

cant come together on this, boards or not I will only be joining one body this year. :b
yes i agree, it certainly looks like we will be joining one group instead of two, silly isn't it.........
it aint the end of the world ;) ,but i agree if they gonna ban em then fed and all clubs should do the same :D
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My/Our Club members arguement here is that the BWRA have done everything right they have held an AGM and it has been voted by the members that boards be banned. The people who are in the wrong here are NWRF who arent giving us the chance to vote, fair enough if they held a meeting and boards where not banned then fair enough but they aren't even giving us an option on this big issue!!!! There isn't enough racing at the moments as it is and i don't want to have to choose between the two bodies. Both groups are gonna end up losing a lot of people, i thought they were both here to promote the sport but if they don't come together on this they will be the cause of decline.
A) Well do i here the faint voice of its got to be better for our beloved pets... I think thats how the story goes. Or was it like this? the injurys will be leaser?

my conclusion maybe not if our dogs are so confussed they dont know if their coming or going ...

B) Was it worth it? I guess not again.. why are people now wanting to sign a petition form for an extraordinary general meeting because they did'nt think it though at the time, and where not told other wise that a B.W.R.A agm would not involve any other racing group ie FED.. INDEPENDENT?

c) Why ban something that has work perfectly well for the last 20 year can cause all this upset now?

@ mick "Makes you think, who made the first kickboard and why,"... have you any ideas who did? and were they voted on to be used in the first place...I GUESS NOT...or was it just up to the owners to decide?

D) Well hopefully we will get our say about this if we can manage to by pass the people hell bent on putting obstacles in our way..BRING BACK POSTAL VOTING

WHY?....cause some people just dont have the money near christmas to travel miles and miles ....

a 30p stamp is cheaper than £30 petrol money

others have more important thing going on in their lives

and many more

If we need a meeting to solve AGM meetings out why not have 5or 6 over the country all at the same time and date ...results could be phoned in by reps and decisions made on the out come....seems to me that we forget about scotland and its members.....thanks for reading my veiws on this subject

Well to all the people that managed to vote the banning of kickboards, i hope you also manage to suceed in your missions to ban them at other events cause all i can hear is moans and groans... and lets see if you all manage not to use them at any other at race formats ......remembering your ideas about the injury they are causing your beloved pets. ;)
Well now who would have thought that this subject would have got so many people stirred up enough to actualy put pen to paper and write a little on their views which might or might not help sort the issue out i for one would like to see this happen with many more issuses that occur whilst racing and maybe if we had a sugestion box at each metting some of the ideas that people have may be taken on board and also a little common sence would not go a miss maybe it would cut down on the back stabbing that goes on as kickboards are just one hot subject weighing in is another drawing heats also is seeding and many more i could mention but wont as it wont give you all a chance so go on get cracking put your views on this site and maybe at the next agm internet votes will be in order i cant see why not as long as those voting are paid up members thats my bit . To finish i think that it was quite correct to ban kickboards and hope all others follow the same format in the interest of the sport at least for a one year trial period, when it can again be looked at after all it was a demorcatic vote that diced this issue by those who attended this agm and i had lots of other things that i could have been doing that day but chose to go and vote i also dont need to waste money on petrol and i would think that those who did go would be more than justified getting upset if this was altered now without giving it a chance that is the lest we can do .

dont forget the early bird may get the worm ! but the second mouse will get the cheese.
Yes i agree with u DEE on "BRING BACK POSTAL VOTES" and yes we didn't all have time to go to the last AGM because some of us work or can't afford the petrol, but you can be sure we will all attend the next AGM, my name has been changed by the way because i could not get in to k9, nigel did it all for me , if u want any more info on this subject just let me know??????I do not care wether we ban kickboards or not but, it has to be a total ban else our dogs will not know what they are doing from one week to the next and so cause more injuries....... :angry:
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the FED are not bothered about what the members want [THEY NEVER HAVE BEEN] they are all for themselves. its time the members got a say, on the banning of kickboards , moving all their opens down SOUTH & various other topics,
An extraordinary general meeting is not going to be called:

1) Because it's been left too late as we should of called a meeting within 28 days of the banning

2) Theres enough back stabbing in the sport without making matters worse, as we have all seen over the last few years ie:drugs

3) Pauline Wright originaly tried to get an extraordinary general meeting in the best interest for B.W.R.A myself and Gary were backing this as we could not attend the original meeting, we still beleive the banning of kickboard is wrong as it is only a partial banning and we think this is going to confuse our dogs.

I still think we should bring back postal voting next year.

lets see what happens this year best of luck to everyone
Where in the rule book does it say" YOu have to call an emergency AGM before 28 days are up" cos I can't find it in mine, rule 23 says An extraordinary meeting can be called on the signed request of 50 registered members, but at not less than one months notice".....

Due to strong oppinion and thought we have decided to go ahead with the petion .
Who would have thought a piece of wood could cause so much disscussion. At this moment in time the ban is in but if a E.G.M is called things could change so I hope a final decission is made soon. I for one would like to see the postal vote brought back in as its the only way all members can have their say. I know that any member can attend but consideration should be given to members who cannot attend for whatever reason. After all we can vote for our goverment through the post but I have to say that I still think that kickboards would have been banned even with a postal vote as the kickboard ban has been proposed in the last few yearly postal votes and has been getting closer to a ban every year. As for the feds I think that they will be aware what is going on and I think we will see a few words printed in the wn telling us their decission I am not saying that is right but that is what has happened in the past.
why do we have to have a ban on kickboards, has anyone got proof that kickboards are the cause of all the dogs injuries, we raced years ago with out kickboards and we had plenty of injuries then and will do again no doubt, so what is the reason behind the banning of kickboards!!!!!!! we don't care one way or the other but if we are to race without kickboards we need a total ban or the whippet community will be divided!!!!!
If you rememeber when we changed from inside to outside hare people said dogs wouldnt run, unfair on old uns etc a couple of years on we all wonder what the fuss was about, I think kickboards will go the sameway.

maybe all racing bodies will ban them......maybe they far as the fed go, who knows what they will do.

Im sure lots of people will be thinking of boycotting the bwra, saying they wont attend the 1st bend open blah blah blah(like they did with outside hare) but considering that the 1st bend open is bwra and the next bwra open after that is champs.........people will still go, they wont miss out on a chance of a title ??? .

I've ran on the bends without ramps ( and got leathered by fluke)....and ive ran on the straights with elaine mcstein who chooses not to use a ramp ( and got leathered again).

Personally i think all this will die down and I for one dont mind running with or without ramps.....and im sure my dogs wont......all they care about is running and thats that.

Sorry I cant get too worked up about the sure dogs will adapt .

I agree that the trap floors should be of some quality.....and say maybe a 3 month period should brought in for trap floors to be made better.
I wonder if this one will fade away just like the outside lure on the bends but there is one difference with this one the majority of bend events switched to the outside lure on the bends especially the B.W.R.A and the feds. So we have to look at the straights here I think take the Devon events the first Saturday is a B.W.R.A event and the following weekend a fed event with some club events in the middle. The B.W.R.A have banned kickboards and the fed have not or is this the case I think we should wait for a official statement from the fed after all we heard that the B.W.R.A chairman was going to resign and we all know how true that was and at this time we do not know how the club stands on the kickboard issue. Lets say that the fed dont ban kickboards we will be left with a situation where you will be allowed to use kickboards at one event and not another. With most people traveling to attend both weekends will they still do so under these circumstances or will they just choose the event they wish to attend. Lets sort this out before whippet racing is the loser.
HERE HERE!!! i am sure we all agree with you there John :D
Lets hope something gets sorted pretty soon! I am willing if i have to (i know i dont have to - before everyone starts saying i could give away 3/4yds) to run my dogs with boards if thats what it comes down to, but i have already heard a lot of people saying they will only be renewing their membership with one or the other body, looks like there will be a big decline in the memberships this year for both groups!!!