Agree! And it was rather spoilt for me because when he sent them all out of the Board Room I said to OH to watch where they sit when they return because AMS picks the one to his right (which had been shown in clips advertising last night's programme)
i watched simple simon being interviewed on tv this morning.he said that they screen two versions of the ending and they only were told who had won a while before the screening so when you see them being told whos won theyre acting as they already know.sir alan have gone down in my estimation after this.i thought christina would walk this easlily.very disappointed with the result.
yes hes gone down in my estimation too!!! its like hes sold out!! was he the only one not to see that Christina wanted that job so badly and lets face it if Simon did'nt win he would'nt be that bothered he'd just fall right back into the bosom of his priviledged backround :blink:
Christina is made of the same stuff as Sir Alan can't believe he chose Simon
I think it's becasue he wanted Simon to work on the property side of the business and that is why he chose him, you can just imagine him creepy crawlying round the other city type property people, he's from a priviledged background and so can talk the talk and walk the walk with others of his ilk.
Kristina is a totally different character, a grafter, she is in talks with Sir Alan to join Viglen the company who supply computers to schools and colleges, I think she can do bettter than that and if I were a company like Pfizer I would be beating a path to her door.
I would rather employ a Kristina any day of the week than a Simon, she is focussed, he is wishey washey, I'd much rather have someone who was capable of thinking on their feet.
Shame it's finished, I'll miss it - roll on Dragon's Den.
I was very disappointed for Kristina as well Though hopefully it will have given her enough exposure to name her price elsewhere :thumbsup: .
Perhaps Simon being such a sicophant stood him in good stead :unsure:
I just could'nt take him seriously in the first place as he reminded me of one of the blokes off Blue Peter (Matt Baker?). Perhaps AS went for him as he saw something in him that was unlike the previous two winners (who I understand are no longer on the payroll?) - good luck to the big streak of wee like, I've a feeling he'll need it !
Anyroad maybe AS generated more dosh by having a sly few ingognito bets on the winner (w00t) as Simon was the outsider was'nt he :lol: .
Was delighted that Katie (of the face like a well skelpt @rse) was out last week (guess she has acheived the exposure she craves right enough :unsure: ).
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