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Thank You , You Are Very Special Friends

posh totty

whippet servant
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well you knew i wouldnt let it go without thanking you did you!!! :D

thank you all for your support and kind wishes, very special friends whom im glad to have in my life xxxx

will let you know how i get on later , im in my tracky ready !!! maybe i should get keith to design me some new fitness wear lol , i know this came as a huge shock to myself but i will promise to take better care of myself and will be back to full fitness very soon x
good luck tanya what ever your day brings x
Good luck and DO AS YOU ARE TOLD, nothing rash. Take care, thinking of you ducky. :wub:

A :lol:
had the heart echo scan ,im now on the 24hr heart monitor, i was unable to have the treadmill just yet so will go back again tomorrow and again net wed to have more tests and then hopefuly the treadmill , im feeling very wiped out and tired as you will imagine , also rather shocked to have had an angina attack so early on :eek: , anyone i havent got round to replying to please bear with me xxx thank you again
thats what friends are for :huggles: :huggles:

:eek: Blimey Tanya - I must have missed this!!. Hope you feel much better soon :luck: :huggles: :huggles:

OMG Tanya .......... I'm so sorry, I didn't know :eek: :b

Sending you lots of hugs, kid. Stay chilled :thumbsup:

I'll PM you later xxxxxxxxxx
:( get well soon me dear :huggles:

hope you are back and fighting fit again very soon :luck: :flowers:

Only just read this Tanya, you take care of yourself.

Hebe sends you :huggles:

Only just read this Tanya, you take care of yourself.Hebe sends you :huggles:


now what better tonic could a girl have then hugs from hebe :) i hope to meet you both this year at some point and get all them hugs in person xx
Well we are over at east of England showground in Peterborough next weekend if you were feeling like a little trip out. Not too sure how near to you that is tho, could be a bit far maybe?

heres something to be going on with :wub:


Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery. :luck: :luck: Don't forget - look after yourself and take care. :huggles:
must have missed this do take care and do as you are told :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Hope you are feeling a bit better now.

I have tried to ring you but its either always engaged or theres no answer. Will you check behind Thomas's bed and get the phone out please so that I can ring you :D
sorry hun, not been on for a while so just seen this....big kisses and heart felt wishes of a speedy recovery from Bully and his mum ;) xxxxxxxxx