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Thank You To Parkstone Whippets

Pennymeadow Whippets

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I would just like to say a big thank you to Mark & Paula Roberts, for my 16th birthday present! My First Whippet MAC!

here he is :wub: :wub:

i can't wait to pick him up!

Rebecca :thumbsup:
He looks so sweet :wub: :wub: When do you pick him up?
Awww rebecca :D gorgeous :wub: gorgeous :wub: gorgeous :wub: (about time too Jeff)
Now are you sure its Mac, as Jeff said the other night hes had more names than the Waltons. (w00t)
What a wonderful birthday present. He is gorgeous Rebecca :wub: :wub: .
Aww Rebecca Mac is gorgeous :wub: :wub: CONGRATULATIONS :cheers:

Another puppy to cuddle :- " :lol:

Congratulations on your 16th birthday. Mac is :wub: :wub: :wub:
Congratulations and Happy Birthday Rebecca.

Good Luck with your pup and may you have every sucess with anything you might do with him :luck:
He's very cute. :wub: Good luck with him. :thumbsup:
:wub: :wub: Happy Birthday Rebecca, have loads of fun with him
Its not Rebeccas birthday untill 2nd Feb and Mac wont be ready to go untill 18th Feb but we couldnt keep the secret from her because she was so attached to him from the minute she saw him, and she kept asking has he gone yet, so it would of been mean to keep him from her, she will spoil him rotton. :huggles:
awww thats such a nice story Paula, Rebecca I hope you and your soul mate live forever :huggles: he's gorgeous!