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Testing For Banned Substances


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;) Well, it;s gone quiet so I thought I'd get you going again by carrying over from the non-peds the discussion on drug testing in whippet racing! So let's hear what we in the peds think of it. Should we or shouldn't we? Should it be automatic at Champ level or not. If yes, why? If no, why? And as at present we have a policy of drug testing, why don't we know what substances are banned? Has anyone ever seen a list? And if the WCRA reserve the right to test, and never do, (and bear in mind that we don't actually know what they would be testing for 'cos we've never been told), why have it there in the first place. Shouldn't we either police it or not bother and remove it from the rules and the entry form? :luck:
Hi Carmel,

i've always been of the opinion that the peds should introduce/enforce drugs testing, BUT this year after reading the upset it has caused in the non ped racing should it ever go to a vote would definatly vote against testing or as it stands for it to be removed from the rule book.

but as you say if it is going to be enforced then everyone has got to be told whats banned as like you i've never seen a copy of any banned list.

1 thing that springs to mind was a thread last year (I think) regarding Curaco it was suposed to be a banned substance due to it having anti inflanatry properties but how many racers do you see rbbing theior dogs down with that or a simlar rub.
I personally think that dogs should be tested as someone pointed out, at least you'll know which dogs are genuinly fast/fit etc, so we know what we are putting back into our gene pool ......... but then saying that, what the hell would i know ??......
I agree Hannah in an ideal world drug testing should take place.

BUT read the non ped threads to see how it would ruin ped racing like it has non ped racing.


if somones cheating f##k them they are only fooling themselves
;) So Mark, because the non-peds have had such a traumatic year that is a good reason for banning testing for performance enhancing drugs?!! Whatever they may be!

The point is, we do have a statement of intent within our rules, and yet, no one knows which substances would be screened for - so it's probably a good thing that the WCRA never tests, as we have no idea which substances they deem to be banned!

And whilst on the subject, why are anti-inflammary drugs disallowed? If indeed they are. Why would a dog be running if on AIs? Would it not be off the track due to injury else why are they taking the drugs? And does this include both the steriodal and non steriodal AIs? And should that be found, do we, on moral grounds, ban them for life?

Drugs screening in the athletics world has shaken the presumptions of many viz a viz the 'best athelete on the day'. These are atheletes who have had the most fantastic season, with the most amazing times - beating personal and world records, and then regularly beating everyone else, and then we find they cheated. Sad though it is, there are people who feel the need to win.

Now, we may in the whippet racing world think that cheats only cheat themselves, so why have the rule there then? Either use it or lose it!

Creatine isn't a banned substance in the greyhound world or the atheletics world, yet technically it is purported to be a performance enhancing drug. I know some racers who use this substance on their dogs, yet this particular substance causes dehydration in heat, and atheletes are recommended to increase their fluid intake. Which we cannot do when racing dogs. - yet it's used! It can also have detrimental effects on the kidneys and liver in some of the users (the research is out there on the web if you want to look it up).

What about caffeine? Probably a banned substance, although we don't actually know that. So when I see people giving their dogs milky coffee, tea or chocolate or maltezers are they cheating or just spoiling their dogs? (I have seen all of that at Opens/Champs in my time!) Caffeine OD in heat when undertaking strenuous activity can have detrimental effects on the heart muscle - top notch atheletes don't drink coffee or tea! But without guidance from the WCRA on the banned substances and WHY they are banned, people may be unwittingly putting their dogs at risk. Doesn't the sport owe it to the owners, and more importantly the dogs, to update the racing fraternity with the current thinking, and then we would be more able to make informed decisions about what we can/should/may/might give our racing whippets. And having told us they may then like to test us occasionally - just to make sure the playing field is level!
Carmel, it's not just the last year that drugs testing has plagued the non peds it's for several years.

many racers have left the sport and for me has caused far more harm than the good it has ever done.

Now, we may in the whippet racing world think that cheats only cheat themselves, so why have the rule there then? Either use it or lose it!
my vote would always be to leave testing alone and if the odd prat wants to cheat then let them get on with it, while the rest of use try and enjoy racing and the company.
ahh know your raising a differant question Hannah!

the question being should a dog that needs medication be running at all?
Firstly Hannah - the tablets your dog is on are only to try and make his thyroid level normal. He is not having his performance enhanced - just making it right - perhaps he's better than you thought!!! :cheers:

You can't really compare the need for drug testing in ped and non ped racing - since it is far more likely in non peds, as they race for money. They say money is the root of all evil, and I agree with Mark - if you need the money badly enough, or need to make money by having your dog at stud, and need to cheat to do it - get on with it. There's no fun in winning by cheating, and I think anyone who does is very sad.

Not only cheating - but most forms of drug taking in dogs puts their health in danger - if anyone is suspected of doing so in ped racing, the rule is there to allow testing if necessary.
At the end of the day Hannah you know what your dog is "normally" capable of thats all thats matters!!
I agree with Mark (don't tell him :b ), If some sad b*stard wants to win so much that he is prepared to cheat....let him get on with it. 8)
Yes but what happens if the dog or bitch is then bred from ??.........If this regularly happened (even though i don't think it does), we'd end up with inferior racing Whippets :eek: ...........this is my 1,000th post so i had to reply :b
John E Greenwood said:
I agree with Mark (don't tell him :b ), If some sad b*stard wants to win so much that he is prepared to cheat....let him get on with it. 8)
Oh well John as you've publicly agreed with Mark I suppose that I ought to as well. LOL!

Seriously though I do agree with what Mark has said about this. And for the reasons that he's given. :thumbsup:
Whats this I go away for the weekend and everyones being nice to me,? i'll have to go away more often.

Could that be why people keep telling me to p#ss off just so they can then be nice to me while i'm not here?.
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Have you all forgotten that the WCRA did do drugs tests at one time. I think that the only positives that ever showed up were for caffeine. I know there is zero tolerance allowed for it in greyhounds but it was always felt that small amounts given to whippets were just consistent with the fact that they were pets and get fed chocolate biscuits, drink the tea straight out your cup , pinch food etc. I expect large ammounts would have been questioned though. Anyway, no one was ever caught giving drugs to their dogs and it was expensive to do the tests so I think it was just not deemed necessary although we do sign to say we would allow it on the Champs entry forms.