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Terrified Collie

Collie Owner

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Hi Everyone,

I have a collie who is almost 2 years old. He is very playful and happy, everything else is perfect but he is absolutely terrified of cars.

When we go on walks he is fine until a car passes and then he pulls back on the lead and actually attempts to run in front of the cars.

Because of this, the harness/collar (tried both) comes over his head and he has managed to get free several times. I have just been extremely lucky to get him back and that drivers were travelling slow.

It has now become extremely distressing to walk him and I find myself getting overly anxious before walks.

I really don’t know what to do anymore, can anyone offer any ideas? Or know how I can prevent the harness slipping over his head when he pulls behind me?

His current harness was £50 and is K9 one, it’s a perfect fit but his silky coat makes it easy for it to slip over his head.

Walking him somewhere secluded with no cars is not an option as I currently have health issues meaning I am unable to drive anywhere else. I live in a quiet town as it is but cars are everywhere!
Are you able to sit somewhere with him - even in your front garden - where he can see occasional cars go by, but at a distance he feels comfortable with? If so, you could give him a treat whenever a car appears. When he gets to the point when, if a car appears, he happily turns to you for a treat, you could move slightly closer to the road and start again. You could also make sure you have the most wonderful, stinkiest treat ever to distract him when a car passes (if it doesn't work, you're too close).

In the meantime, you could make sure he gets the exercise and mental stimulation he needs by training/games in your garden & house, e.g. set up a small agility course. Would you be able to afford a dog walker who could drive him to car-free places for an occasional walk?