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Terrier Trouble - Aggressive With Strangers


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I am new to this site and would appreciate some advice.

We got a rescue dog a few months ago and he is settling in well. He has some terrier in him and is very strong willed, this is something new to me as I have never had a terrier before, but all my previous dogs have been much easier.

My main problem is when visitors come to the house, he goes crazy and barks aggressively and snarls. I tell the visitors not to make eye contact with him but ignore him and sit down on the sofa but the dog still continues to be very aggressive. Yesterday I tried to grab him by the collar but he just bit me and in his aggressive frenzy he did not register that it was me trying to restrain him. I managed to put a cushion between him and me and got him out of the room and closed the door. He sat looking through the glass door whining and occasionally barking for attention but we ignored him.

When the visitor left the dog went nuts again and he was again very aggressive.

He is like this with virtually every visitor and I have bought a Thunder Shirt and plug indiffuser to calm him down but they don't seem to have any affect on him.

He is great with my kids and he is good outside the house most of the time. I do have a problem with him and my cat but I will post on that later.

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hehehehe terriers can be right little buggers, mainly they wantout and keeping them active helps but you not be the only person with terrier problems, you also need to research the dog and learn,, kind regards . L.
Oh dear, it sounds like you need the help of a behaviourist... Poor little lad is obviously having some problems that need addressing.
Hello and welcome to Dog Forum!

I bought my first terrier dog this year and I personally wouldn't have another. We absolutely adore her but we don't like some of the terrier behaviours we see in her.

When you have guests over and he behaves in a similar way, I would remove him to another room and let him out after 5 minutes and keep doing the same until he learns.
a quick solution for now is to arrange to meet your guests outside your house with the dog, and walk around the block, arriving together, so the 'stranger' isn't 'invading', face on, in a confrontational pose (from your dog's perspective)

Let us know how you get on