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Temperamantal Bitches


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Has anyone had any experience with anything like this?

On Saturday my bitch Tegan attacked William my greyhound ,the raeson because they were both in the garden and as Tegan walked past William who was having a wee at the time looked at her.I was watching them and know he did nothing to her Bandit was out with them and because she 'd had a go he also went for William :rant: Then in the night she had a go at Bandit and as I came back from taking William for his walk this morning she had another go at him(Bandit).They sleep in big cages at night paired dog and bitch Tegan/Bandit and Rosie and Owen together I have now split Tegan and Bandit up

Whilst at work today I suddenly realised that it is 8 weeks since Tegan was in season could it be her hormones?

Does anyone have any advise on this?
aside from being one myself :- "

seriously, though, are there any signs of discomfort/pain? no hint of infection or phantom pregnancy?
lalena said:
aside from being one myself :- " seriously, though, are there any signs of discomfort/pain? no hint of infection or phantom pregnancy?

No other signs shes quite happy on her own and she went for a walk with Bandit today and was fine and shes ok with her daughter Rosie
If there were other signs, i would also say phantom pregnancy. Chloe would start acting very strangley about this amount of time after her season. Her seasons got very close together and the phantoms worse so we thought it was kinder to spey her. Saying this, Chloe was never snappy, just made nests and collected 'babies' (tennis balls, ropes, stuffed toys :wacko: )

Has Tegan ever done anything like this before?
how odd! there isnt a chance that she has caught pup is there?

i would keep a close eye on her it could just be that she's not in the mood.

i know little dana my jack russell can be quiet friendly some days and others want to fight everything with no obvious reason...if dogs r like their owners it says alot about me dont it (w00t)
Even if bitch does not have strong signs of pregnancy, this is the time when they can act agressively. i have seen it many times. i just keep my eye on her, give her bit more space (from the other dogs) and she will come out of it. :luck:
Tegan is a bossy bitch and although she 's been grumpy after seasons before she has never been this bad before.

She is not nesting or showing any signs of pregnancy and was not even this bad when she did have pups last year.

I am sure none of the boys got to her when she was in season as soon as the first signs appeaed - the boys usually let me know she due to come in about 2 weeks before and I put her in with her daughter away from the boys until the swelling has gone completely down and the bleeding has stopped.
oakmoorehill said:
Tegan is a bossy bitch and although she 's been grumpy after seasons before  she has never been this bad before.
  She is not nesting or showing any signs of pregnancy and was not even this bad when she did have pups last year.

  I am sure none of the boys got to her when she was in season as soon as the first signs appeaed - the boys usually let me know she due to come in about 2 weeks before and I put her in with her daughter away from the boys until the swelling has gone completely down and the bleeding has stopped.

Meant to say phantom pregnancy. If she was really pregnant you would know. They can react differently after different seasons. However i would watch her carefully. Earlier this year my friends' Whippet bitch was just 2 months after her season when she became agressive. This was her second season and they decided they will not show her after all and had her spayed. The vet discovered that she had enclosed pyometra. Obviously she was in some discomfort and that is why she was so stroppy.

So watch your girl carefully. Hope it is just a mild case of phantom pregnancy. :luck:
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oakmoorehill said:
Tegan is a bossy bitch and although she 's been grumpy after seasons before  she has never been this bad before.
  She is not nesting or showing any signs of pregnancy and was not even this bad when she did have pups last year.

  I am sure none of the boys got to her when she was in season as soon as the first signs appeaed - the boys usually let me know she due to come in about 2 weeks before and I put her in with her daughter away from the boys until the swelling has gone completely down and the bleeding has stopped.

Hi There,

One of mine was very grumpy after her season and we put her on valerian & scullcap, which made a big difference, we had her on it throughout her next season and she was fine no problems like before. may be worth a try. we get it from Dorwest Herbs.
"One of mine was very grumpy after her season and we put her on valerian & scullcap, which made a big difference, we had her on it throughout her next season and she was fine no problems like before. may be worth a try. we get it from Dorwest Herbs."

It seems to be more common for bitches to dislike other bitches; I had one bitch like that and have heard of a few others.

Does spaying make any difference to this kind of behaviour?

that's interesting about the herbs and worth trying if you know the safe/effective dose
My Rosa used to be seriously stroppy post season, even knocked out one of her own front teeth going for poor old Alf, It turned out to be cystic ovaries in the end, the vet said the cysts were the size an average cow would have (w00t) no wonder she was in a bad mood :oops: :lol:

after she was speyed it took about 6 months before her hormone's levelled out properly.

Hope Tegan chills out soon for the sake of your boys :D :luck: :luck: :luck:
sunny said:
oakmoorehill said:
Tegan is a bossy bitch and although she 's been grumpy after seasons before  she has never been this bad before.
   She is not nesting or showing any signs of pregnancy and was not even this bad when she did have pups last year.

   I am sure none of the boys got to her when she was in season as soon as the first signs appeaed - the boys usually let me know she due to come in about 2 weeks before and I put her in with her daughter away from the boys until the swelling has gone completely down and the bleeding has stopped.

Hi There,

One of mine was very grumpy after her season and we put her on valerian & scullcap, which made a big difference, we had her on it throughout her next season and she was fine no problems like before. may be worth a try. we get it from Dorwest Herbs.

Isnt that what fred dibnah had, scullcap, oh no sorry it was scapular capyitus

keith :thumbsup:

Macha said:
"Does spaying make any difference to this kind of behaviour?

that's interesting about the herbs and worth trying if you know the safe/effective dose

Well, if bitch is spayed she will not be in the season again, so in this respect yes. BUT some spayed bitches can become permanently stroppy. So i would not desex bitch just because she went through emoutionally rough patch for a little while.

My friends had their bitch spayed because they live in the inner city with quite small yard. They take their dogs to a dog park in the end of their street, but there are always many dogs there, so it is not wise to take bitch in season, or bitch who is stroppy with other dogs. As it turned out it was very lucky they did at that time when her pyometra was only in the initial stage. :thumbsup: