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my IG dog 8m has a double row of teeth at front should i see about getting them out or will they come out

i dont want to end up with piggy teeth as the incisors already pushing out
I have heard of Iggies with double rows of teeth before. I think you need to speak to your breeder who may have experienced this problem in their line and could advise you what do if they have experience of this. If they havent had it then the vet is the next port of call. Do you think it is baby teeth that have been retained as the adults have come through? At 8 months I would have expected one or two to have come out even if others are retained.

Regarding pig teeth Im afraid that they have made a reappreaence in the past few years whereas several years ago they had all but vanished. Both parents have to be carriers and of course the chances of pig teeth happening is enhanced when you breed around and around on a carrier.

On a positive note pig teeth are a cosmetic fault so unless you want to show the dog it is not going to cause the dog any harm unlike epilepsy. Some people have baby canines removed as a matter of course thinking that it will stop pig teeth, it doesnt, all it does is give a baby puppy a general for no reason.

Would be interested to hear what you end up doing if anything at all, good luck :luck:
Sorry forgot to say welcome to the forum, pictures are always welcome of your iggie :thumbsup:
Have you had any luck talking with your breeder? Glad to say my Sookies last baby canine came out a couple of nights ago at 7 months.