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Yesterday Nana was second in her class showing to the bitch that won the championship, and chatting to the judge afterwards he said that Nana would have had a good chance of beating the other dog if she had had cleaner teeth.

Now I have always taken pride in the cleaness of my girls' teeth (except Josie who is a rescue and came with ghastly teeth) but he's right they are a little yellow, and there is a little tartare around the top. The same is also true of Tess.

They have bone and chicken wings frequently and a dentarask everyday, but clearly this is not enough. I don't brush their teeth, well I tried, but they objected rather stongly and pathetically I didn't persist.

I have heard that cleaning with a brush keeps them at the level that they are, but does not improve them. Is this true?

I there anything I can do to whiten then and get rid of the tartare?

Esme (being a baby) has perfect teeth, so I would like to keep them like this, what should I do with her?

As I have said Josephine's are awful- what can I do with them?

Sorry to go on so much :b

you could try brushing with a very weak solution of hydrogen peroxide which i think you can still buy from the chemist and dilute in water being careful not to get to much on the gums, all a bit tricky if your dog wont let you brush, i think the only other alternative is having a dental done at the vets, this can cost anything up to £50 and requires an aneasthetic, hope this is of some help...
i had mollys teeth cleaned at the vets two years ago,just a regular descaling and cleaning,and they have stained up again within 1 year or so,so i wouldnt have them done again,thought it was a waste of money.
From my experience,cleaning with a brush if you are persistant and clean every day will improve the situation.

When I first got Beau he had ghastly teeth and when he visited the vets she wanted to clean them. This meant an anasetic and of course I wasn't keen. The vet was insistant that this was the only way. I agreed to let him have them done if they were still bad the next time Beau visited her. Of course the vet ate her words. All I had available to me was a toothbrush and paste. Beau is not really a chewer so bones of any sort were not really an option.

Beau is excellent at having is teeth cleaned and of course he didn't need a dental and we never suffer from any bad breath.

I would give it a go. Little and often and always give plenty of praise. By this I mean verbal praise and a good pat. I am afraid I don't do the treats as this would not have worked with Beau.

I would also give the roast dinner toothpaste from Dorwest herbs a try. It is a little more granular than the rest I have tried. If you do visit their website have a look at the Coniston campaign in aid of the Guide Dogs for the Blind. In the photo you will see the Dorwest whippets Archie and Stanley.

Hope this helps :cheers:
more advise on this post would be good as ive just started to give mine sum marrow bones to try and improve their teeth,, my whippet x is getting better bit my saluki x gave the bone a good chewing yesterday and when i inspected his teeth they was a bit red and looked sore, so wot can i use to ease his pain cus they look a bit sore? manythanx.. lm.
lurcherman said:
more advise on this post would be good as ive just started to give mine sum marrow bones to try and improve their teeth,, my whippet x is getting better bit my saluki x gave the bone a good chewing yesterday and when i inspected his teeth they was a bit red and looked sore, so wot can i use to ease his pain cus they look a bit sore?    manythanx..  lm.

I think you should use bonjella (w00t)
If you look back through gen disscussion whippets i started a post on this topic some time back - there is quite a few replies.

Or click on my username and view my past topics and you should find it :thumbsup:

Generally most peeps seemed to give marrow bones and also fragaria the homeopathic rememdy is quitre popular. I use that , also marrow bones and just bought some doggy toothpaste as i noticed they are slightly tinted at the top. :D
sorry, just looked its in gen dog disscussion :oops: if you scroll back to 29th june , thats when last post was added :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the advice :thumbsup: I'm going to buy some of the Dorwest toothpaste now, and up the quantity of bones.

By the way this is a link to whippynit's excellent thread on the subject tooth cleaning thread
OEH said:
Thanks for all the advice :thumbsup:   I'm going to buy some of the Dorwest toothpaste now, and up the quantity of bones.
By the way this is a link to whippynit's excellent thread on the subject tooth cleaning thread

Personally I don't think using a brush and toothpaste particularly cleans dogs' teeth. I use a tooth descaler, about a fiver at any grooming stand, and remove the plaque that builds up by the gum. Some are worse than others but the show dogs are nails, tails & teeth plus either a bath or undercarriage wash (depending on weather) for every show they attend. The others are nails either weekly/fortnightly and teeth when I remember!!!
Thanks for that Dessie :thumbsup: Could you tell me more about the tooth descaler please, is an object or a cream or a powder........ and where else could I get it from as I don't go to shows :(

Also I have bought the toothpaste and brush and I may be imagining things, but they seem much cleaner already. Astonishingly Esme, who generally hates to be fussed or fiddled with, simply adored having her teeth cleaned and pushed and shoved at the others to have hers done again :blink: .
OEH said:
Thanks for that Dessie :thumbsup:   Could you tell me more about the tooth descaler please, is an object or a cream or a powder........ and where else could I get it from as I don't go to shows :(
Also I have bought the toothpaste and brush and I may be imagining things, but they seem much cleaner already.  Astonishingly Esme, who generally hates to be fussed or fiddled with, simply adored having her teeth cleaned and pushed and shoved at the others to have hers done again :blink: .

Heres a link for HUB Int - Tooth Scaler Single Sided (Ref. 807)

Scroll down towards the bottom of the page :thumbsup:

Tooth descaler