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Tazis And Taigans Article

I don't know, but there are a couple of Taigans in Norway, after the Kyrgyz (sp?) president brought them as a gift when on an official visit a couple of years ago. This caused a bit of turmoil, as the president's office had been adviced that this would not be an appropriate gift, particularily when considering the strict quarantine regulations. The president brought them anyway, and in the end, it was decided they could stay. After the quarantine period was over, they were placed with experienced owners selected by the Norwegian sighthound club.

Here is a link to a newspaper article about the taigans, and a picture of them as pups. They are just too cute for words.
:wub: Particularly like the idea that with Taigans you can have an Afghan in winter and a Saluki in summer! Perhaps if they catch on in Scandanavia some will eventually find their way over here.

I wouldn't count on it :( They are not recognized by the FCI, and as you yourself comment, they do look quite similar to breeds that are already established in the West.

Perhaps they will in Finland, though, where I believe there are a few already. As a Finnish judge commented on it herself, I feel I can say that Finnish dog fanciers are more attracted to unusual breeds than people of most other nationalities. Portuguese podengoes, American Hairless Terriers, Cirneco dell'Etna - whenever you hear about a breed for the first time, chances are they have been breeding them in Finland for years ;)
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Oops, it's the Khalag Tazy, not the Taigan, that has the variable afghan/saluki coat - compare the 2 pics of Registan Kemal as pup and adult:

We eventually got to Thailand to research siamese cats in their homeland on our 'honeymoon' ( ); maybe we'll get around to searching out some exotic sighthounds on our next trip abroad, which won't be any time soon sadly :( I'm quite keen on Podengos too, they seem to be catching on in France (esp the little ones, Pod. Pequenos), saw quite a few last time we were there. :wub:

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Wonderful cats, moriarte! I particularily like the "copper" (tonkinese) and bicolor ones - perhaps just because they are unusual.

One of my dreams is to go to the Sahel region to see Azawakh. If you haven't had a look at the pictures and video clips on the ABIS website, I can really recommend them.

I've only seen a few podengoes - one medio, the others pequenos. They look really cute - a good alternative to both chihuahuas and small terriers, I would imagine.
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