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Tattoos - do you like them?


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Do you like them or hate them?

Since my dad passed when I was 17 I have always wanted one in memory.

I am not a fan of tattoos that can be seen in an office environment, so things like fingers, lower arms or face/neck I don't like, this dispite my dad having one on his lower arm! lol

I suppose really, me wanting one makes no sence as I would have it where not many people would see it, so kind of makes the whole thing pointless.

My brother has just had one done for his local football team, and although I support them I would stop short of having one football related.

In regards to my tattoo, I want something Queen related (the band not the poorly one) as both my dad and I were/are big Queen fans, and they have a lot of nice artwork for their various albums.

Just wondered what everyones opinions of tattoos are, and whether it is a generational thing?
I have a tattoo of Tigger on my right thigh....... I had it done at 18 as I wanted a tattoo and decided to have something that never ages and also on my thigh as I can cover it up when I am too old to have one! :lol:
i like them, although some are awful, but each to their own eh! We were laughing once in the pub about an old man we saw on the beach with 'bitter' and 'mild' written over each nipple, turns out it was big nasty bloke at the bars dad! Very awkward.

I have one to remind me of my family and to remind me to stop being lazy, on my arm, where i can see it. It is a pattern of dots, that i drew myself, that goes from my shoulder to my wrist. I know what you are thinking, when i told my mum over the phone that i had done this, (it was when i was at university) she drove 200miles the next day to come and see it, but she didn't cry or anything, its pretty subtle really, i've known people for ages before they've noticed it. I chose dots, cos i figured that they weren't really a "style" as such, and i wouldn't get bored, or go off it. And i can add bits.

You are right tho cadac, about the arm thing. I now think of it as a people tester, having a tattoo on your lower arm really offends some people, i mean strangers come right up and say stuff. Incredible really. Its ok though, i like it when people identify themselves, early on in the proceedings! Ha! :) and to be fair i chose to have it where i could see it, so if other people do, i can't really complain..

I knew a formal kind of life wasn't for me, but it can still be covered if i have to be really smart. This doesn't happen much though and i'm let down by my scruffy demeanour anyway :) I did want it onto my hand too, but they won't do them there or on your neck or face or wherever, unless you already have lots. Which is pretty sensible really. I kind of agree with that, best not to have one on your forehead if there's a chance you may regret it!

When you said (wrote?) Queen, a few of their images popped into my head, you've got a wealth of good images there!

I would go for it if i was you, having one in memory of a loved one seems like right sort of tattoo to me, they are personal things.
I love tattoos :) I don't think all tattoos need to have meanings behind them, but both mine and my husbands do relate to each other :)

My husband recently went to LA and managed to get a cancellation appt at my most favourite tattoo shop in the world - jammy git!
Truth is I am not sure what to expect from it all in regards to pain. For a 'bloke' my pain threshold is quite low.

I'm not bothered about needles or anything like that it's just the 'pain' aspect really. I know it probably doesn't hurt as much as I think it does but don't stop me thinking about it! lol

Random question, can the tattoo artist design the tattoo for you or is it up to me to find someone to design it, for them to trace it onto me?
I love tattoos :) I only have one, on my inner wrist. Planning my 2nd

You can take in your own ideas and work with the tattoo artist , they will draw up the design and give advice on size, ideas and wether it will sit well on the body part you want it tattoo'd on etc. Personally I think the best starting point is to go to a Tattoo convention and view all the artists working etc Hubby and I go to the Liverpool convention and it's a really interesting day out :)

I was surprised last week that a bank teller had tattoo's all over his hands and neck. My son has 2 small tattoo's on his hand and neck which I am not overly keen on firstly because they were done illegally when he was 15!!!! (reported the shop to police and Trading) secondly because they are rubbish tattoo's. His Dad & I agreed to pay for a tattoo for Birthday so he will go to a reputable tattoo artist only condition being it was not on the face , hand or neck. My family were not happy but considering my sons other difficulties at least he can't fritter the money away on things he shouldn't have or buy something he would later pawn in at cash converters!
I love them, I have 5, one inside my left foot/ankle that my work mates bought me for my 30th birthday, my first on my bum/hip (so I could hide it if I regretted it) and 2 on my lower back (one which translated means father) and the biggest is a tribal image between my shoulder blades. They are all hidden but I can show them if I want to, I think they are a brilliant way for people to express themselves, only problem I find is as soon as I get one I start planning the next and I think it could become addictive for me so I limit myself to every couple of years!

Cadac I think you are imagining the pain is much worse than it actually is, I always find its more of an irritating, burning pain rather than a sharp needle pain. Go for it but be sure to choose a reputable place, go in to a few places and have a chat with the artists and ask to see their work and explain what sort of thing you fancy and see what ideas they come up with for you. I knew roughly what I wanted on my ankle, printed a few pics off google and my tattooist did a free hand design based on the pics I had, I love it reminds me of my friends every time I see it, Good luck.
its hurts a bit like being pinched, but its not unbearable and i am a massive wimp! In my experience very soft bits (like under your arm) and bony bits, hurt a bit more than muscle bits, if that helps you choose a place!
I've got a couple, but one of them is rather large and grows on a regular basis so probably counts as 3. Mine were got for me, not to be on show, so unless I'd shown you them, you were my partner, my doctor or someone who shared a gym changing room with me then it's likely you'd never see them otherwise.