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Tassels For Sighthounds...


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Just ordered Eli some lovely tassels from Now I'm probably the only person that doesn't know, but can anyone enlighten me as to the origins of the tassels used on sighthound collars? Is there some ancient significance or are they simply decorative items used to make our beautiful hounds even more delicious? :wub: Also, at a recent Hound Parade (which always make me blub! :b ) the Salukis had big jangly bells on their collars which I assumed were used so that their handlers could keep track of them during a high speed hunt? But wouldn't that alert the prey? Can anyone help me to feel slightly less of a thickie?! :unsure:
Wow!... I'm ordering some of those tassels - the gold I think :thumbsup:

There was a thread on here a while ago to the origins of the tassels - I'll see if I can find it.
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Thanks for that Las Vegas! Some of those tassled saluki collars are mad! Eli certainly doesn't posess the elegance of a saluki but is getting 'Tassled' anyway....fairly sure they'll last about ten seconds on him (he's currently performing the Wall of Death (w00t) in the garden with his posh fleece turned upside down and caked in something that smells :x )
Alfie's pretty loopy when he gets down the park, but his current tassels have lasted well, plus they usually get a dunk in the canal! :x

Which colour tassel did you order Eli? I went for the gold :D
I ordered the red & gold collar with a red tassel to match, plus a gold tassel to go with a tan collar that's on order from Sprout's website. Can't resist all the lovely stuff you can get for them, he's totally ruined, and I'm just as bad with my horses & kids! (Meanwhile me & OH walk around in rags! :- " )
LasVegasNo1 said:
Alfie's pretty loopy when he gets down the park, but his current tassels have lasted well, plus they usually get a dunk in the canal! :x
Which colour tassel did you order Eli? I went for the gold :D

Las Vegas, make sure you post a pic of Alfie modelling his new tassel when it arrives, he's sure to look gorgeous in the gold, he's so handsome! :)
& photo's of Eli in his new collar and tassels too please! :thumbsup: I have a collar on order elsewhere that will go with these new tassels nicely... I hope :D If not I will have to order another collar, o dear :- " :- " :- "
You shouldn't have shown me that website I've just ordered a waxed coat! :sweating:
Ooh, nice! I was very tempted, the linings look lovely don't they. Looks like Alfie's going to be busy with some modelling assignments in the not too distant future 8) !! Lots of pictures please! :D