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Tank & Tam


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wee tam

tank-yes he did indeed turn right and come straight to me rather than chase the lure! still he can sit and give paws :D

(w00t) What a nice photo of wee Tam :thumbsup:

Tank was kinda shy today, but he will chase the lure in time :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Great pictures of Tam, he really looks the part, and as for Tank :- " ........bless him :wub:
mtotos said:
tank-yes he did indeed turn right and come straight to me rather than chase the lure! still he can sit and give paws  :D

Tank :wub: You gorgeous gorgeous lad. I'm sorry, but I think this is a fantastic shot, and has given me a huge grin (w00t)
Well he looks like he's running back to you FAST if that's any consolation lol
i think we may have to look for a new hobby for tank-maybe obedience! :- " ,you can get homing pigeons what about starting a new sport of homing whippets?

if all else fails i may tie mysef to the lure and get dragged up the track so he can chase me!

but to be honest we dont care if he doesnt chase cause he was bought as a pet and he is second to none in that department :wub: :wub:

mtotos said:
i think we may have to look for a new hobby for tank-maybe obedience!  :- " ,you can get homing pigeons what about starting a new sport of homing whippets?if all else fails i may tie mysef to the lure and get dragged up the track so he can chase me!

but to be honest we dont care if he doesnt chase cause he was bought as a pet and he is second to none in that department  :wub:   :wub:


Cutie boy :wub:
He'll be fine :cheers:

Once it clicks in his head there'll be no stopping him, like you say though as a last resort you could always tie yourself to the lure lol
He could always become a fashion model for whippet clothing ... he looks absolutely DIVINE in that blue coat daaaarling! :lol:

What a honey he is, coming back to his mum every time!

Tam is looking great.
Bless....he hasn't quite got the hang of it yet... :- "


...really made me laugh though............ :lol:
aslan, tanks mum was 150yds away waiting for him to come zooming up to her-but he ran 10 yds to his daddy for a cuddle instead! (w00t)

tank is a wee DADDYS BOY!
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