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Taking 8 week old puppies into the garden


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I have been using puppy pads to toilet train my 2 X jack Russell/springer cross 8.5 week old puppies.

We have the usual biting behaviour which I sometimes feel we are getting somewhere with, but it is the toilet training I would like to move along, if you could help me please.

I see from other posts that pads are not recommended, which is a little annoying as I've just bought 100 , but my vet told me they can't go out til one week after their second injections. That means the 4th October. They had their first injections 4 days ago.

However, I have seen other owners on here are taking puppies of similar age out into their garden, but 2 months ago I looked after my sisters (vaccinated, 18 month old) dog & she toileted in our garden. It is cleaned up of course!, but am worried about any bugs being left behind.

I would much rather take the puppies outside as they are quite often missing the pads, but am worried if this the right thing to do?

They are crated at night with pads. I haven't been getting up, til they wake me anywhere between 5.30 & 7am. They have done anywhere between 1 & 5 poos on the pads, but immediately poo on the kitchen floor when they come out. I think that's excitement as they are beside themselves when they see me!

Am I just being over cautious?


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As long as your garden isn't shared with unvaccinated dogs, it's fine for your pups to go out. Take them out frequently, like every 45 minutes, and always after waking, after eating, after playing. When they toilet, act like its the best thing ever - huge praise and reward. Don't ask them to come to you or sit for the reward so it is clear that it's for toileting and not for anything else. Also at night their little bladders and bowels won't be big or strong enough to hold on all night, so set your alarm for a couple of times in the night.

I also suggest carrying them out in a container or sling, or even in your arms to start getting them used to outside experiences. A cat carrier is ideal for small puppies. If you have an outdoor cafe or even a park where you can sit and let them see stuff going on, they will really benefit from the experience.
Thanks for your advise, Joanne.

We spent ages puppy proofing the garden today only for it to chuck it down for the rest of the day!

I'm well aware that I will need to take them out in the rain for walks, but didn't really want their first visit outside to be wet! Tomorrows job, I'm sure they'll love it x
I wish vets would not use the word "out" when advising new owners about keeping their puppies safe from germs. The proper term should be that the puppy should not go where other, unvaccinated, dogs may have been.

This means your puppies can go anywhere that there are dog free, like your garden or where vaccinated dogs live. This means other peoples' houses and their, vaccinated, dogs can come to your house.

Socialisation is vitally important. As has been said above, getting out and about with your puppies is urgent. If this means using a sling or a pet carrier then so be it.

Puppy Socialisation Classes run by members of the APDT should be available in your area. They are great fun and a source of support through all the trials and tribulations of raising puppies. Do try to find some.
I always suggest great care should be considered.

No one knows how many foxes, badgers, cats pass through our gardens after dark over fences or through small holes, most of which will be un vaccinated.

Yet I always allow a puppy to use its own garden for early days of potty training, this is essential.

There is always an element of risk, life is an element of risk!

We leave our homes on a daily basis, take our other dogs out for walks. Does anyone disinfect their shoes when they arrive home after work or walking, what about the other dogs feet they have just taken for a walk!

I would never consider allowing an un vaccinated puppy to have contact with any other dog or puppy, whether or not they had been vaccinated, who knows where they have been or what other un vaccinated dog they may have recently come into contact with themselves!

If my puppy is still not covered by vaccination itself it has no other contact ! (other than home members) Our own garden is a must and one of those small risks that we have to take.
The reason that puppies cannot be vaccinated until 8 weeks is because they carry maternal immunity from their mother which would prevent the vaccine from working. Maternal immunity starts to wane at about eight weeks. It does, however, keep them reasonably safe until they are vaccinated.