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Take 1 Trampoline, 1 13yr Old


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A broken arm..... :(



Kieran (my Son) was in hospital from Monday evening 'til yesterday evening on Orimorph, waiting for his radius bone to be wired back in place... Had surgery yesterday morning and although afraid of the thought of general anesthetic and very hungry, he put on a very brave face, bless him :huggles: Photo taken yesterday as I went to collect him.... had to wait 'til he'd eaten something first.


He said 'I like the food here' :blink: :wacko:


I'm very proud of how he coped with the situation and the unfortunate amount of time he had to wait :(


If you are thinking of getting a Trampoline, don't leave the safety surround in the box !! Even if the kids tell you it's 'gay' to have it on !! :eek:


Tracey X
Oh bless him!! I'm not suprised he thought the safety cage was a bit 'gay' :lol: but maybe advisable! :D

Hope he is feeling better soon :huggles:
:oops: Poor lad - they just hate to look wimps in front of their friends don't they, I keep having everlasting arguments with my daughter about wearing her cycle helmet (NOBODY else does, Mum :angry: - not true actually! :- " ), and keep trying to explain that you only have one head and you need to look after it. :teehee:

Well done on your Kieran for being so brave in hospital :cheers: - he will love showing off his plaster to his friends once it's not so painful though! My daughter insisted on going into school to show off her appendicitis scar on the afternoon she got home from hospital!!! :lol:

PS A friend of mine's son did the same to his arm on the first day of the new trampoline arriving - it was on Ebay the very next day! :sweating:
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Awwwwwwwwww poor little chap.................get well soon :huggles: :huggles:
Poor Kieran what a downer to the school hols :(

A few years ago when they got really popular I was going to get Jordan a trampoline because I thought it would be fun excercise, but I was telling my physio and she said I wouldn't if I were you because thats what most of her patients were,getting physio after broken bones (w00t)

I didnt bother :sweating:

Hope kieran gets well soon :luck: :huggles:
we are all here for you hun , anything you need you just need to holler!!! tell keiron we are all thinking of him , the tina crew all send their regards to :huggles: :huggles:
Poor little man...been tempted to get rid of ours.Got the net around it but is they way they all throw each other around on it.There isn't a day goes by without one of them crying.Hope your boy feels better soon :huggles:
quote-'Its gay to keep the surround on' Lol

A little girl at our school broke her arm last month also.....

Having said that we had a trampoline for years before they were fashionable and our 2 didn't have any injuries!

Even after their dad removed the grass and replaced it with concrete flags for a more stable base (w00t)

P.S whats that he's left on his dinner plate? ;)
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I hope its not giving you to much pain Kieran.

Better than your mum's cooking hey :lol:


Big licks from Sada
She may even come over to see you and deliver them herself.
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Aww poor Kieran, in the schools holls too as Lesley says :(

oh dear, hope kerian isnt in too much pain :huggles:

we have had ours for 2 years now, and no mishaps (yet) :luck:

oh apart from my drunken o/h falling off it at 3 in the morning :oops:
Poor Keirren - Just trying to keep hi mommy on her toes. Just dont let him stick a knitting needle down the cast when it starts to get itchy!

Get well soon.
What a brave face Tracey, what IS he saying about your cooking? :- "
:blink: Yes - Id be worried about Kieran saying he LIKED hospital food. :eek: :x

Sell the trampoline and take cookery lessons!! :lol: (w00t)

:luck: Best wishes to Kieran :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
(w00t) I'll have you know that he had a Sirloin steak cooked for him with new potatoes, fresh salad with my homemade Italian dressing.... but you guessed it...he was full-up with the delicious Sheperds pie and icecream scoop shaped smash from the hospital (w00t) Yes, maybe I need to have a few cookery lessons from the Hospital catering team (w00t)


Thanks for all your good wishes for Kieran, he has read through them over my shoulder :thumbsup:

Still not sure if you're supposed to do this on a Trampoline though !!




And the dogs would miss it if it went 8)





Tracey X
Sada wont be happy if it isnt there next week :lol: