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Tajaweed Update

stormy weathers

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just had benson checked this morning his injury not as bad as we thourght torn the tip of the gracillus spot on everywhere else so very happy that hes gonna be ok hes back to his normal self now stealing what he can and put his sorry face on when hes told no but still gets his own way
Not guna say told you so cos that would be mean :teehee: I will wait til i next see you running him and then i might make a 'thought that dog was retired' comment to which I expect a sarcastic remark along the lines of pot kettle black lol

But in all seriousness glad he's doing ok and look forward to watching him once he's back to his best! Life in the old dog yet!
thats great news just a matter of a good rest and recuperation
never call the kettle calling black he will never race again done enough for us beating top class dogs half his age he can get fat now and hope theres a few puppies on the way witch we can race best no limit starter i have seen for a long time when his head is right
Great news Gerry/Val :thumbsup: Agree completely about his start too :thumbsup: Look forward to seeing some Benson puppies :thumbsup:
Great news Gerry/Val :thumbsup: Agree completely about his start too :thumbsup: Look forward to seeing some Benson puppies :thumbsup:
Great news Gerry/Val :thumbsup: Agree completely about his start too :thumbsup: Look forward to seeing some Benson puppies :thumbsup: