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I know it's only around lunchtime on Sunday there but I thought I'd do a Cartman and put my order in early for results of SYWC show ..... :)
aslan said:
I know it's only around lunchtime on Sunday there but I thought I'd do a Cartman and put my order in early for results of SYWC show ..... :)
If it's lunch time, then why not results thus far? :eek:

Results please :teehee:
QUOTE (aslan @ Oct 3 2004, 11:28 AM)I know it's only around lunchtime on Sunday there but I thought I'd do a Cartman and put my order in early for results of SYWC show

If it's lunch time, then why not results thus far?

Results please
Well as it is just after luncheon here and the dog CC was not awarded until ~1 pm you must hold your horses :D

As a taster

The DOG CC winner was not ENGLISH nor handled by an englishman (man embraces woman throughout this post) HOWEVER the RCC was handled by an englishman althouth the dog was not ENGLISH

The BPD was - YOU will have to wait and see LOL
Dawn, you are SO MEAN to us ;) OK, was it Adagio Love Supreme and Airescot Ruby Rascal?

Come on, put us out of our misery :p
Oh well...I've just got back after watching the dog results. I'd better not give the game away :p

Am I allowed to post a picture of the 25 year anniversary cake in the interlude?

It looked really nice...but didn't hang around to nab a slice :(

It looked really nice...but didn't hang around to nab a slice
Glad you didnt as it left [SIZE=21pt]MORE[/SIZE] for me :D

Just going to order a kebab and then will post the results (unless someone beats me twit)
[SIZE=14pt]SouthYorkshireWhippetClub[/SIZE]Champ show results for October 2004

BIS when I saw topic Peter was BOB I thought someone had posted but no. So BIS was ...............

Whooooops Kebab is here must go will post later :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Unless beaten twoit :wacko:
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Has anyone ever called you a sadist :devil: :devil:

Come on, we are getting desperate out here - and what they are like in Australia by now, heaven only knows :D 8)

PS, Cake looks fab :p
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dawn said:
HOWEVER the RCC was handled by an englishman althouth the dog was not ENGLISH
And there was me thinking the RCC was handled by an English LADY!!! :blink:
dawn said:
(man embraces woman throughout this post) HOWEVER the RCC was handled by an englishman althouth the dog was not ENGLISH
Ah, but Debbie - she said Englishman could refer to man or woman :D
Well the kebab was very tasty.

Decided to have a chicken kebab tonight rather than the lamb we usually have.

Just too cream crackered to even contemplate noshing anything home made after the show. Mind the lunch was nice too. Starter was egg mayonaisse or melon followed by chicken - whoooops that means Iv had chicken twice today - in a savoury sauce soewhat akin to a sweet & sour sauce. very tasty. Served with New potatoes and mixed veg ie peas beans and carrots. Pudding (we dont have sweets in S Yorks - well we do but they are things kids buy in the sweet shop) was a choice of Gateuax (?sp) or trffle. The triffle was jelly free and very nice - I had extra fresh cream with it.

We cut the cake then and all were offered some - much to my chagrin most folk had some - wish I culd have had it all ...

The DogCC was not an English dog nor handled by .


The DCC was Thompson's Barnesmore Soljer Blue (bred in Northern Ireland handled by breeder)

The RDCC was June Minns ( ?LADY? ) VBG with the import Airscot Ruby Rascal

The BCC & BIS was Peter Morgans (ergo previous comment) SpinneyHill Georgia Brown

RBCC Molly Head's Demerlay Band of Gold

RBIS was the Dog

BPIS was Hammonds Mary Rose over Millwold owned by Margaret Dixon

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Thank you, thank you, I can breathe again :)

Well Dawn, you certainly know how to pile on the suspense and keep us tantalised - poor (or lucky ;) ) Richard! :lol:

Sounds like I missed a good day, well done everyone :cheers:
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I had a very enjoyable day & met Minna & Nicola. :)

Unfortunately,I didn't have any cake as I was well filled up on the wonderful pie & peas & LOTS of scrummy trifle,followed by 2 rennies!!! (w00t)

I'm not sure of all the results as I didn't stop till the end,but Flyn & Poppy's dad, Elmanash Phantom won veteran dog(photo)

Flyn was 3rd in post grad & Poppy was 3rd in minor puppy & 2nd maiden so I was delighted!! :)

[SIZE=14pt] well done flyn and popy[/SIZE] :cheers: :wub: :wub: and to all the winners :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
All is revealed finally. I had a great morning watching all the dog classes. Met Debbie (Alfyn) and Karen and said a fleeting hello to Jax. Thought I spied Dawn and Minna a few times too. Great to meet you all in the flesh and thanks for stopping to chat even though you didn't know me from Adam. :D

Shame I missed out on the cake. :angry:

I was very taken with Barnesmore Pony Soljer. Never seen him in the flesh before. I though he moved really well...there was just something about him when he was on the move that was very eye catching.

Couldn't believe how busy the show was. The last time I went (about three years ago now) it was in February, it had been snowing, and attendance was quite low as a result. It was heaving this time around. All those beautiful whippets :wub:
Congrats Debs on your placings!

Dawn will we need to go to your website for full results or will you post them on here? :* :thumbsup:
Well done to all winners and of course K9er` . s

I wasn`t on top form yesterday , so I must apologise to Nicola first of all for being `distant` . and i met Ian too ( beetaian)nice young man :*

We came off our hols on Sat morn and were greeted at the airport that Mayzee had had a slight stroke or minor fit while we were away :( For those of you who dont know , Mayzee is the love of my life , sounds silly I know ,but I chose her over my first husband s feelings and she was also the first whippet id ever bred .

Any how, to cut a long story short I took her to the vets sat and she rang yesterday with some of the blood results( I take back all Ive said about vets :oops: )Most have come back negative and ive got an appointment tomorrow at 4 oclock . Today she looks as `normal`as she`s ever done :D but as Debs will tell you she certainly didnt look right yesterday .

She came to the show with me as the vet said it could have been because she was parted from me that the fit/ stroke /whatever occured .

Shes eating as normal :eek: and dosnt show the classic stroke symptoms . eg slow reflexes and eye movement , I failed to mention that shed chewed thruogh the telephone cable too , so maybe it had something to do with it :eek:

Another downer was the fact that when I went to get my Pie and peas yesterday they`d sold out :eek: (w00t) and id ask if hed save me one and was told there`s plenty :angry: . any how i also missed taking Mikkee in Novice , we just had 5th in Special Yearling ,

My holiday was Ok ,nice weather ,but Menorca is a very quite island . I will put some pics on later
JAX said:
I wasn`t on top form yesterday , so I must apologise to Nicola first of all for being `distant` . and i met Ian too ( beetaian)nice young man  :*
Jax, no need to apologise...I could tell you were a bit distracted which was understandable at such a busy show. You must have been eyeing the queue for the pie and peas when I said hello. :p Sorry to hear about Mayzee.

I'm hoping there will be some more photos of the day. A group of ladies (which included Minna I think) opposite me took lots of photos, so hopefully in time they will make an appearance. :) I couldn't take any as I was sitting behind the line ups. That's when I got my chance to say hello to Debbie and Karen, as they were waiting to do their turn. :D
It's good to hear that Mayzee is back to normal - perhaps stress and having bits of telephone cable in her belly were the reasons for her being off colour. Poor little sweetie.

I see you are going to persist with the 'holiday in Menorca' camouflage but we all know the truth now. It was your OH in Menorca with a cardboard cut-out of you, whilst you were in Oz with Cartman. Where did Cartman hide you at the show, that's what I'd like to know? And is that why he was only there for the one day - were you both off gallivanting around Adelaide for the rest of the time? :teehee:
:thumbsup: I'd just like to say that the cake cut up into 164 pieces and it was scrumptious, mind you it was a bit difficult keeping Dawn behind the fence! There's no wonder poor Richard always looks half starved. When I took the "committee" cake up on stage Richard said, "It's no use giving that to me, I daren't eat it, you must give them BOTH to Dawn." Dawn, how could you?

So many people commented upon how nice the cake was, for which I am very pleased, someone was on the verge of giving me an order for a birthday cake, until I said that I had only designed it and let someone else do the hard work! :cheers:

I thought poor Jax was harrassed, glad to hear that Mayzee is on the mend.
