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Blimey I had better have a dig about in my draws. Thats a lot of money
me too ! thats MY draw s not yours :eek: :oops: :lol:
OH God, did I really write that (w00t) I meant Ive got some old things hanging about.
Karen said:
OH God, did I really write that (w00t)   I meant Ive got some old things hanging about.
PMSL, I think that sounds even more dodgy :lol: :lol: (w00t) :thumbsup:
(w00t) :lol: [SIZE=21pt]LOL [/SIZE] (w00t) :lol:
What a good Idea !! (w00t) :oops: :lol:

Perhaps WE ought to get `bitchy ` like the `other lot `overseas :oops: :thumbsup: .. Now what could WE think to `bitch about ?