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Swollen Nose


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Hallo, just wondering if anyone here can help. My young whippet Fletch has a slightly swollen nose, just above his nostrils (on the fur, not the leathery nostril bits). Im wondering whether hes been stung or perhaps its an allergic reaction to something. It doesnt seem to be bothering him at all and doesnt seem at all sore, but im just wondering if anyone has had similar symptoms and what their findings were.

Im sure there is something about this in FAQ.

You could try Lavendar on it if it is maybe a plant reaction or similar. Im sure Ive read of similar incidents on here too this year.
hope he gets better soon :huggles:
Is the area red around the swelling??

Dippy has just been stung by a wasp this morning, she didin't scream(which supprised me) and is happy for me to touch and prod the area...which is swollen and very red.

I have just given her a piriton and a squirt of the homeopathic remedy Urtica 30c and she's fine.

But if he's ok and not bothered by it, I wouldn't worry too much...just keep an eye on him.
bath it in malt vinager for a couple of days see if it goed down and also give him inflamatry tablets.if they have been poisoning grass near u could be that :teehee:
Thanks for the tips, very much appreciated. The swelling went down today, and we thought all was normal, until about half an hour ago, when he woke the house with what seemed like continual half-sneezes. Not a full sneeze, just what seemed like half a sneeze, as if he was trying to blow his nose, or clear something from it, no swelling though. He's sleeping now as i write, as if nothing untoward had happened. All seems well, we'll just keep an eye on him.

thanks again.
This hyperventilating thing has happened again during the night so im taking him to the vets this morning. Quite worrying really. His eyes have swollen and theres soft swellings on his nose again. They seem to go up and down. Nothings changed in the house except some flowers that were brought in, and we've shifted them out to the garage in case its that.
Hope Fletch is ok :huggles: :huggles: let us know what the vet says, there seems to be a lot of swellings and sneezing at this time of the year :unsure:
just an update in case similar things happen to others here. The vet has given him a steroid injection. he asked if we were using anything new in the house such as shake n vac or anything (we arnt). Also asked if it happened only in the house (it did as far as we know). He seems to think it 'may' be an allergy, but he says hed like to see Fletch again on Fri if things dont clear up. The injection will last 48hrs apparantly, so we'll just have to watch him and see how things go. I'll keep people here informed, like i say, if only for the fact that it may help someone else out in future. Im personally hoping it was the flowers we had in the house, but we'll see. Hes just had a good run on the beach and nothings changed in his behaviour really, apart from looking a little sorry for himself at times, but then again, dont they all?