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Sweet Spot


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has your whippet got one?

when i rub the bottom of Digit's back (right where it curves down to his tail) he kneeds his back legs like a cat, throws his head back into 'howl' position and nibbles his teeth together with a look of delight on his hoping it just feels nice as opposed to feeling ****NICE**** ;)

oddly enough i used to have a cat that did exactly the same thing :- "
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That sounds just the same place as Diamond :thumbsup:

Shall we blame mother or father? :p
lol.........could be a family thing then???? :teehee:
Ah Yes! Holly does that! I thought she was 'tarting' or something :lol: Whenever you rub or scratch the back of her back :teehee: she goes all 'funny' and does a little dance! :wacko: :lol: Glad shes not the only one then :thumbsup:
whippynit said:
Ah Yes! Holly does that!  I thought she was 'tarting' or something :lol:   Whenever you rub or scratch the back of her back :teehee:   she goes all 'funny' and does a little dance! :wacko:   :lol:   Glad shes not the only one then :thumbsup:

Nana too
Frankie too, when you scratch his back just in front of the root of his tail and he will stomp from one hind foot to t'other!!!