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Surely Not?


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Visited Westhoughton on Sunday for a trial, took the opportunity to ask Rod Eccles Track owner who told him the whippets stopped on Thursday 3rd March?.

He told me he was told on the

Thursday 17th Febuary, that there would be the OPEN on the 20th Febuary

and then one more meeting on the 27th Febuary and that was it.

Rod told me it was a female that told him.

On the 27th febuary,when the meeting ended, John the haredriver told Rod "that was it", "is it?" Rod replied, "thats what they said in the Box" said John.

"I'm sure racers will give this person the reception they deserve once it's found out who they are."

Cheers Mark

Can't wait.
i've spoken to Rod about this, it seems someone is going around telling everyone the whippets will no longer be running at Westhoughton.

so it was a woman? do we know who? i've ask Rod to ask John but he's not got back to me yet.

there seems to be loads of rumours about no racing but no one seems to know exactly were it's coming from, as you saw Thursday it was almost a total cock up due to these rumours.

Do you have a name then Mick?
mick said:
Visited Westhoughton on Sunday for a trial, took the opportunity to ask Rod Eccles Track owner who told him the whippets stopped on Thursday 3rd March?.He told me he was told on the

Thursday 17th Febuary, that there would be the OPEN on the 20th Febuary

and then one more meeting on the 27th Febuary and that was it. 

Rod told me it was a female that told him.

On the 27th febuary,when the meeting ended, John the haredriver told Rod "that was it", "is it?"  Rod replied, "thats what they said in the Box" said John.

"I'm sure racers will give this person the reception they deserve once it's found out who they are."

Cheers Mark

Can't wait.

I think your better asking Rod that question Mark.
I hope no-one's implying it's me!!!!!! Whippets weren't there 27th February neither :wacko:
Hiya Mick, I'm a little confused as to when exactly Rod was informed and out of curiosity, when did you find out about this?
i was in the box on the 17th feb all night and no one mentioned anything about the whippets stopping at westhoughton vickey was hardly in the box that night the only thing was, that john asked me if the whips were carrying on afther the charity event i said that as far as i knew it was carrying on
hi, i'm glad the racing aint stopped as i was hoping to come to a few meetings this summer . tony
sparky said:
hi, i'm  glad the racing aint stopped as i was hoping to come to a few meetings this summer . tony
as far as i know it will carry on all thease rumers are just that silly rumers and should be taken with a pinch of salt. if it is not posted on this site then ignore the rumers
hi, ive had a intrest to go to wessy but only heard that it was stoppin on this thread. tony
wild whippies said:
Hiya Mick, I'm a little confused as to when exactly Rod was informed and out of curiosity, when did you find out about this?
I went for a trial on Sunday 6th March, Rod told me he was told by a female the meeting before the OPEN. Hope this helps.
I've just been thinking, I was in the box all night on the 17th and as far as i'm concerned nothing on them lines was ever descussed, so it's looking like it could be crossed wires.
Mark, maybe a good idea that when you speak to Rod let him know that if racing is cancelled it will come from YOU & not john, "a female" or whoever else, especially considering racing has been "cancelled" once before.
I think this has been a genuine mistake by someone with no bad motive or axe to grind .

I was of the opinion this was only a short term option also and have said so on here whilst answering about when Lancaster Club will commence its racing season .

Mick did a good job in getting us the venue in the first place and i for one will say thanks to him for that. also a great big thanks to Rod and his good lady who could not have done more to help us and cater for us.Rod your a STAR .

If racing can get the support to keep running through the summer months i wish it all the best but unfortunately dogs cant run both. This means that those running straights will be missing, this is where i think the mistake has come about.

Mark i gave Mick a trophy that was to be for a overall points winner/ maybe you could run for that sometime-if you arn't or havent already i will ask him to pass it on to you if he has not done so already its the( Fluke-North West Trophy) i look forward to hearing what has won it.


Ps thanks once again to all who helped especially Keith and the owners for making this a success story.
sounds to me like someone may have an axe to bare if its been cancelled once before . :angry:
Re: stopping over the summer months

me & mark have spoken about this, i'm sure he'll answer himself but i am of the same opinion as yourself steve, not only would it be the night after Wednesday night racing at Gin Pit but like you say people (well non ped racers at least) won't run both bends & straights.
As Vicky had said we have spoken about the Thursday night slot, and we are currently throwing a few ideas about,

i'd hope that the racing would of been better supported by Peds but that hasnt happened so with the non peds straight season about to start were looking into a few ways to attract new runners.

if anyone has any suggestons please let me know.

as long as we can pay the rental on the track we will continue to race.
Mark dont peds race on the straight in north west ? and if not please tell me why as i am curious to know a little more about the ped section of the sport
