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sup champs


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Okay after a lengthy discussion on Monday night at oak leaf sports center, about championships and the sup run offs nearly always been won by a light weight, how could we cater for the heavier dogs..

I suggested make 2 run offs for 2 sups, light weight and heavy weight sup..whats you thoughts on this
I could not agree more, i think there is a topic about this some where??
Trust me to be the odd one out! :D

I don't know how others feel but i'd rather see the fomat changed in the finals rather than having 2 seperate sup's, i know if i ever had a dog good enough to get through to the supreme run off i'd much rather get chance to run in the final & be runner up to, or THE best dog there on that day, not just best lightweight / heavyweight, imo it kinda takes the edge off what Supreme is meant to be.
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At the first B.W.R.A. championship all weight class finals were timed and then the dogs and bitches ran off their weight class timed marks to decide the supreme. No one is going to stop a dog when trying to gain its R/ch title so to run off its timed mark, it may be a fairer way,provided that they are timed other than with human help,say electronic eye's.

good idea in theory,but in them days people did not use kickboards and front boards and now they are use to these things it leaves it open to abuse because they would put different boards ect in the traps getting different times and would make things easier for cheats

RICKY :angry:
good idea in theory,but in them days people did not use kickboards and front boards and now they are use to these things it leaves it open to abuse because they would put different boards ect in the traps getting different times and would make things easier for cheats
Surely not because they'd be aiming for a Rch title, so they're not gonna try & slow the dog down in case it backfires in it's weight class & they don't get the title or the chance to run in the supreme. I could be wrong, some people do think they have titles in the bag before they've even run!
No your not the odd one out Vicky-we agree with you.

Supreme dog and Supreme bitch is more than enough-otherwise it lose's it somewhere :wacko: and ceases to mean very much.
the sup run off should change every year e.g.-1st year yard per pound

2nd year 2ft per pound

3rd year 1/2 y per pound

This would give ever weight of dog within his racing career a chance to win sup

if the stay injury free and win their weight class for 3 years.

I believe we would still get a light weight winning at 2ft per pound and may be even at 1/2 yard per pound. I can remember some 20lb bitches winning top ten opens at 1/2 yard per pound and i think the light weights that are around to day are just as good, they seam to be geting faster

jim l
I like the idea of changing the supreeme every year, in fact i like any idea that gets the out of date yard per pound system out of final run offs. every time you read a report of 2ft or half yard run offs , it says great final only a few yards or feet betweel all the four or five dogs. Now remember the yd lb report the 18 lb just hung on from the 22ld all others wd. And you only have to look at the recent pup and yearling championships most finals ended as they started with the lightest winning and the H weight being last. surly this cant be right, when over 70 % of dogs weigh more than 22lbs why do we give them an unfare advantage, in most other areas majority rules. but not in whippet racing it seems. I will end by saying I love to see all weights running and travel miles even when im not racing, but i find most finals the absolute anti climax to a days racing . It should be the other way round. Bend racing brings the dogs a bit closer, but even the bends over 280 mts was won by an 18 lb bitch, what chance to win over 150 i rest my case. :angry: :angry:
good comment peter thats what i was trying to get at ....this is worth thinking about as the new nwrf members meeting is coming up at the champs

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I think having two supremes is a brilliant idea :p that way lightweight and heavyweight get a chance of the SUP for 18lb ers winning on the bends does anyone know how many 18lb dogs/bitch's have won the complete open on the bends......
bet those who think its a good thing have dogs 25 and over pete lol ;)
i do hope everyone looks at this issue with a real open mind as in my opinion

it will be a step in the right direction to change the handicap system from yd lb.

If we do have two weight groups the 25 26 lbers will still end up beating the 30lb ers but at least all dogs would run off. come on get of the fence and lets hear how the rest of you feel, Vicky loks like another pole is needed lol. :p
jodami open results to-day Bitch 1st troubelle 18lbs and supreeme

Dogs Outbound 20,

both heavyweight winners WD, why, as if we dont know, now thats the end of my comments on this lets here from the rest of the K9 crew.
well if u had a 18lb eg drama queen and u were in the supreme final and u were runnin at say 1/2 ydlb and say eg north 2 south which wud catch drama queen over 150yds, wat wud u feel like if u were the owner of drama queen?? u wud b gutted!! cos of the new format, i think it shud stay as it is, if your dogs not gud enough togive the yards then fair enough,
I think you should get your facts right, Noth to South as good as he is would never catch dramma Queen over 175 never mind 150, when average lightweight dogs that never win there weight groups are good enough to beat weight class winners and champion heavy weights then somthing is wrong. Every one is on about North to south winning against lightweights, he is the best HWrunning from the back at present, and he has not or never will beat an on form Short spot Dramma queen , biddy. Megasaurus, Sing for Me, You Dare, I could go on all night, as they say thers none so blind as those that dont want to see.
i agree with you on the half a yard, he might get close, but i never said go to half a yard as this would not be fair to the 16 lb and 17 lb dogs, i am saying we need to look to find a system that gives all weights a chance to win the final run offs.