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Sunburn Or Allergy?...


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Hi There,

It's gonna take me ages to read through everything i've missed in the last few weeks! :wacko:

I'm after a bit of help with blue and his red snout - he has a little white fur on his nose - increasing in density upwards on his face...

In the recent hot weather i've been smearing his nose with plenty of sun cream (a nice strong factor 30 childs one), and he's not been out at times when the sun is high - but despite this he has a red nose!

The thing is when his nose got red - i thought i must need to put the cream on even more frequently, so i've done this and covered further up his nose which is now red too!! and he's barely been outside! (only pottering in and out for wee's etc...)

I'm wondering if this is infact an allergy to the suncream? has anyone else had a similar experience?

Blue doesn't seem bothered by it at all - theres so far no obvious signs of itchyness or anything.

I taking him to the vets tomorrow to try & establish what has caused this but don't know how to soothe his nose in the mean time? and if it is an allergy i'm really scared of irritating it! so far I've just bathed his nose to remove any residual suncream - can anyone suggest anything else?

Incidentally ten and my sisters JRT use the same sunblock and have no redness at all...

Thanks, Emma.x
Poor boy........... think I would a bit of aleo vera gel on his nose to soothe it :huggles:
Moo.UK said:
Hi There,
It's gonna take me ages to read through everything i've missed in the last few weeks! :wacko:

I'm after a bit of help with blue and his red snout - he has a little white fur on his nose - increasing in density upwards on his face...

In the recent hot weather i've been smearing his nose with plenty of sun cream (a nice strong factor 30 childs one), and he's not been out at times when the sun is high - but despite this he has a red nose!

The thing is when his nose got red - i thought i must need to put the cream on even more frequently, so i've done this and covered further up his nose which is now red too!! and he's barely been outside! (only pottering in and out for wee's etc...)

I'm wondering if this is infact an allergy to the suncream? has anyone else had a similar experience?

Blue doesn't seem bothered by it at all - theres so far no obvious signs of itchyness or anything.

I taking him to the vets tomorrow to try & establish what has caused this but don't know how to soothe his nose in the mean time? and if it is an allergy i'm really scared of irritating it! so far I've just bathed his nose to remove any residual suncream - can anyone suggest anything else?

Incidentally ten and my sisters JRT use the same sunblock and have no redness at all...

Thanks, Emma.x

Hi Emma,

I had a friend that had a reaction to sunblock she was told it was because it contained Methyldibromo glutaronitrile, but she had a rash with it, when you put it on does she/he try to rub it off, i used sunblock on my horses nose and she was fine, but they are all different.

I would put on aloe vera or calendula, on it to soothe it.
The vet has confirmed that it is an allergy to the sunblock - until the redness clears Blue has to keep well out of the sun. once cleared i'll have to try another brand of cream - the vet couldn't advise any particular brand though...Guess i'll have to go down to boots and look for something with different ingredients :blink:

Thanks for the advice - Emma :thumbsup:
Moo.UK said:
The vet has confirmed that it is an allergy to the sunblock - until the redness clears Blue has to keep well out of the sun. once cleared i'll have to try another brand of cream - the vet couldn't advise any particular brand though...Guess i'll have to go down to boots and look for something with different ingredients :blink:
Thanks for the advice - Emma :thumbsup:

Poor Blue!

Try looking for hypoallergenic, children's or sensitive-skin sunblocks, maybe they'd be better? Not sure about what's safe suncream wise though, so be careful :))
I only use zinc cream on my animals, it blocks the UV totally and comes in lovely colours - it does sell in UK doesn't it?


The cream that Blue is allergic to is NoAd childrens factor 30 for sensitive skin,

i'll try find some zinc cream today - i'm sure ski shops will sell it.

Blues nose is looking far less red today :thumbsup:

Emma :)
Hiya Moo I use Boots soltan on Spry because she is mainly white on her head(and Jordan) factor 30 green apple it is green when applied, apple extract for vunerable skin and hypoallegenic, I've had no problem so far the hardest thing is trying to get her to keep still while I put it on and stopping the others from licking it off (w00t) hope you get it sorted and that Blue's nose is ok soon :thumbsup:
There is one thing that would worry me about sunscreens and dogs; sunscreen are not tested for being ingested. There was also some sugestion few years ago about them being potentially cancerous.

In any case there is only marginal differnce between the protection of factor 15 and 30 sunscreens.

Seraphina said:
There is one thing that would worry me about sunscreens and dogs; sunscreen are not tested for being ingested.  There was also some sugestion few years ago about them being potentially cancerous.  In any case there is only marginal differnce between the protection of factor 15 and 30 sunscreens.


I only tend to use it on Spry's nose area because it is exposed with not much fur, I don't think we get enough sun here in England to need it much Lida :( I'm sure that sunscreens must go through a rigorous testing procedure as companies could not take the risk of potentially harming a child, especially when most childrens fingers spend half their lives in their mouths so they must be tested for toxicity(sp).

Everything is potentially cancerous these days especially the sun so it a case of lesser of 2 evils :wacko:
I went for the soltan 30+ green apple stick :thumbsup: as its for babies and children it should be fine & tested - the lady in boots spent ages trying to find the best thing for us :cheers:

Blues snout is even better today - lots of aloe vera seems to have soothed any itching :)