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Sulking Whippet


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Mae appears to have gone into a sulk :( . She had a night staying at a friend’s house on Friday and was fine Saturday night when I got her back, we went straight to my parents for a family do and stayed the night there. On Sunday she was so tired she just slept all afternoon when we go back, however yesterday (Monday) she refused completely to go out for a walk, we normally go out 2 - 3 times a day, and though she made no fuss when I went out to work and was perfectly settled when I got back, she has been crying more than normal (she does this quite a bit when she wants something). She has been slightly off her food though not enough to be of medical concern so it makes me think she is either not feeling quite 100% or is sulking following a change of weekend routine.

This morning is the first morning she has ever stood and watched as I left for work, there was no crying no trying to get through the door she just stood at the window looking at me (I felt so guilty it was untrue). My big issue is that I have to leave her with my friend and her family again this weekend as I have to go away on Thursday night to Sunday for work. She will have a great time as they provide her with undivided attention whilst she is there even letting her sleep on the bed (she also gets her weight in treats and nice things :- ). I have a feeling that she is going to be a nightmare next week and even sulkier because I left her and because she will go back to not being given everything she wants; I swear she is trying to manipulate me.

Does anyone else’s whippet get like this? She has done this before and it was a week before she really started to return to normal. Is there a way to snap her out of it quicker?
I don't suppose there is any chance she is coming into season? They can get moody at such times (can't we all :- ).
She was in season over Christmas so I don't think it would be that. I am really worried about her, she is just not her self. She is still not eating properly but I took her for a walk at her favourite spot last night and she had a great time and she was fine on her walk this morning, but as soon as we got back and I got ready to go to work she started crying.

She has never fretted about me going to work in the past and I don't know what to do, I have given her a bigger run of the house so she can watch the world go by out of the window and lay on my comfy bed to see if that will make a difference.

With having to go away for the weekend tomorrow I am scared that things are only going to get worse next week. :(
sounds like she is i a little upset by all the comings and goings to me hun, to go from ur steady routine to being at ur mates then to ur mums has just thrown her off kilter. i know when i go on holiday and leave dana a home she bounces all over me for 5 mins then give me the look to say "u left me!" and then wont speak to me for the better part of a week. give her a few weeks to get back into her routine and realise that ur not leaving her again and i bet she will be fine.

also why ur going away this weekend i would leave her with a jumper that u have worn for a few days so that she has got something with ur scent on it, it will help to settle and reassure her. u mustnt feel guilty its not pracital to spend every moment with our dogs (as much as we may like to), is this the last time she is going to be left for a while?

over the years dana has got better, the first time i left her she got the proper hump with me but as the years went on the time she got a gob on for went down untill last year when she didnt even bother, so they do get used to it. try not to stress when ur leaving her as she will feed off that and think that there is somthing to be worried about, have a good cuddle with her b4 u leave ur house to get it out of ur system then when u leave her just a cheery "by baby, be good" and off u go, the longer u draw it out the more stressed she will get.

hope this helps hun x
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Thanks for the reply.

That is a good idea about leaving her with something that smells of me, come to think of it the first time I left her for the weekend I slept with her favourite throw for 2 days, maybe I will try that again.

I am hoping that I won’t have to go away for a while after this weekend, but at present the place where I work is being taken over by a company based up north which means longer hours for me at the minute and unpredictable trips away. I had wondered if she was picking up a little on my raised stress levels and the fact I am not as happy as normal. I am sure; when we get the next week or two out of the way, she will get better again it is just horrible when you know something isn't right with her. My neighbour is adamant that they still hear nothing from her when I am not there so that bodes well; they are going to keep an ear out though.
Sounds like a false pregnancy to me, about the right timing too
Does false pregnancy come on that suddenly? I have to say it is something I have not thought of, would there be any physical symptoms to that or is it just behavioural? How long does it last if it is that?

It is so upsetting seeing her like this, my neighbour said she was crying whilst I was out yesterday and she has never done that before, as I am going away for the weekend I think I will pop her to the vets for the once over (as the crying is getting worse and she is becoming anxious), just in case and to put my mind at rest.
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Does false pregnancy come on that suddenly? I have to say it is something I have not thought of, would there be any physical symptoms to that or is it just behavioural? How long does it last if it is that?
It is so upsetting seeing her like this, my neighbour said she was crying whilst I was out yesterday and she has never done that before, as I am going away for the weekend I think I will pop her to the vets for the once over (as the crying is getting worse and she is becoming anxious), just in case and to put my mind at rest.
false pregnancies vary between bitches.

Bluebell gets very depressed, mopes, won't run or play with toys or friends...luckily as she has grown she has grown out of them very much, she has had 4 and they have go less each time.

The time it coincided with the loss of her best friend she was inconsolable for over 6 weeks, so maybe the hormones can make other changes in their lives so much worse...

Physically there can be a change in nipples, or the underline can appear baggy as their teats prepare to feed the 5,000!!!

a little weight gain, which is normal after seasons anyhow

carrying about toys is another symptom...

Good Luck with her