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Stud Problems


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Hey there!

I don't know if anyone can help me but I have a pretty brindle whippet bitch who is in heat.

I had arranged for a stud dog to line her, but he doesn't seem to be interested :oops: , I thought it would go well as he is a proved father and has sired at least 4 litters allready.

For some reason he isnt doing the "job" he should be !

I am now trying to find an alternative stud to see if its just the dog i'm trying with that isnt interested.

If anyone can help or knows of anyone in my area who may be able to help please msg me back!

Thanks for any help

(I live in Cumbria Barrow - In - Furness)
How old is your bitch if you dont mind me asking.?? If shes young ..shes the one putting the more experienced dog off...just my thoughts anyway...

usually an experienced dog will just get on with it...or maybe its not the right time in her season.
She might just not be ready for a lining.

To be haunest,,my lad,,would have just raped her,,,he likes the good side of the lining,,,weather right or not :oops:

I would still try with the stud you want,,,Robbie has lined all maiden bitches to date,,,he's a very keen lad,,,Maybe this lad is more laid back and knows when the bitch is just right :oops: :D

Robbie has lined from day 10 _ day 18,,,,all bitches had pups,,not one missed,,,,The worst bitch he lined was Gizmo's mum,,never seen a bitch so tight,,,and I was about to give up,,not Robbie though,I can do this ,,,3 smashing pups , 9 weeks later ,but there is a time when the stud owner should step in and say,,he cant do it , or try another stud :cheers:

I hope you get the stud you want, but dont just line her,,unless you get the right boy for the job,,,there is always next season :thumbsup: