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Stubborn Whippet


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Just wondering if any one had any thoughts on how to solve this one, when we go out with the boys, we all have lots of fun , lots of nice running and chasing but when the leads go back on to walk to the car as on a main road, Harley's legs just give way and stop working and he falls on the floor like a spoilt child in the picture..... its then an absolute nightmare to get him back to the car and sometimes the only way is to carry him, the weird thing is now though that Joshy has also started to copy these actions.... surely it can't be this difficult all the time!!!!! any advice would be greatly welcomed..........

Hmm... we had this problem a while ago with Willow - she would see that we were on the way back to the car and just sit there refusing to move. I resorted to saying 'see you then Willow' and walking off briskly (she was off the lead). She soon realised that she had to follow to be part of the pack, especially if I turned a corner and she couldn't see me! A reward of chicken back at the car made it all better. Now she is really obedient and always follows, even if we are on the way to the car. Obviously it depends where you are walking - we go to the beach where the are no roads so she is off the lead the whole time.

Good luck :luck:


Sorry - just re-read your post to see that you put leads on as there is a main road... :b hmm...maybe just look the other way and ignore him? get a longer lead so you could start to walk off a bit? Park the car closer? Ok, so I realise I am actually not helping :- "
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I saw this first hand and it was very funny :lol: ok not for becky and Peter though :- "

He is a stubern so and so (w00t)
phoebe does just the same as alisons(alilemur),its like she is saying she as not had enough exercise,so plays us up.
Tess used to do the sitting down thing so I used to hide or go and sit in the car (I occasionally even moved the car) depending on where we were and this worked quite quickly and I am just going through the same thing with Esme (the look of horror on her little face when she realised that I had left was priceless :lol: ). Though I am not sure if any of this helps if its near a road and you can't hide :( .
I would give them all a titbit when they have their leads put on and then if he goes down, don't look at him but just walk on and drag him if you have to, he will soon get up when it gets uncomfortable. Make sure his collar is on tight enough though so that it can't slip over his head!!! Whatever you do don't stand and give in to him and I certainly wouldn't pick him up and carry him!!
Another thing which might help is to take away the association of 'lead back on = end of fun'

throughout the walk, keep calling them back to you, pop the lead back on with a scrummy treat, carry on for a bit then release them again.

hopefully after a while, the lead won't be such a dreadful thing (like being called in for your tea when you're 6!)

good luck, let us know how you get on
urchin said:
Another thing which might help is to take away the association of 'lead back on = end of fun'throughout the walk, keep calling them back to you, pop the lead back on with a scrummy treat, carry on for a bit then release them again.

hopefully after a while, the lead won't be such a dreadful thing (like being called in for your tea when you're 6!)

good luck, let us know how you get on

That's brilliant advice, I used to do that when I was having a bit of trouble with recall training with Josie. Lead on for a few minutes, and off for a few minutes, always with treats, and now the lead holds no end-of-fun associations for them :thumbsup:
HILARIOUS picture :lol:

Fynn won't get in the car at times so I get in, start the engine and drive off (keeping a close eye on the mirror). He leaps into the car when I eventually stop :- "

I re-enforce this if he starts playing me up from time to time :thumbsup:
I used to take Morgan to a playing field and at the end of the walk she would stand at the far side and watch me walk back to the car. I just ignored her and started the engine. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't and I just had to wait for her... eventually she'd give up and come trotting over :lol: o:)
Oh sorry but that picture made me chuckle what a stubborn little bugger :lol: :devil:

I hope the advice works out for you though :luck: :luck: :D
*Lesley* said:
Oh sorry but that picture made me chuckle what a stubborn little bugger :lol:   :devil:
I hope the advice works out for you though  :luck:   :luck:   :D

Me too :b :p , Merlin often stands at the top of the hill above the car park on our walk and actually looks the other way when I call his name :wacko: :devil:
Walking away is the best thing, but bit of a problem with road. Is there anywhere else you could drive sometime and do bit of training? I always give a treat after putting the dogs on the lead, and again when they jump into the car.

The pic reminds of a man and his staffie who walk in our park sometimes. The man walks with his dog on the leash, every now and then the dog flips himself on his back and the man just keeps walking dragging the dog along (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) . When the dog has enough of his back rub he just flips himself up and walks few metres, before rolling over again. Our park has lovely short and soft lawn, and the expession on the dog's face is pure bliss :lol: