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Stubborn Streak


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I am newish whippet owner and am aware that the breed is well-known for its stubborn streak but Rex is driving me mad at times. For instance, this evening I took him in the car to our garage which 1/2 mile from home, ready for a riverside walk home. He came 100 yards then the brakes went on - head down posture and soulfull eyes (you all know the image I guess!). I tried cajoling; dragging; sitting on a wall and waiting; hoping some passing children would encourage him; doggy treats; carrying; after about 15 minutes suddenly something clicks in his dog head and all is suddenly well and we trot home nicely! What on earth is going on and has anyone out there got any other tips?? :(
have you tried running away from him, no vocal encouragement just running away...this used to work for me.
Oh dear! Irie did try that with me a couple of times when he was younger :blink:

I did have to pull him along a few strides on a couple of occasions but I made sure that the lead was under his chin so that when I pulled so that the drag was on the back of his neck and not pulling against his throat.

It only took a few steps and some enthusiastic verbal encouragement and he walked along nicely and has done ever since :thumbsup: ......... although now he pulls on the lead instead :sweating: (w00t)
Meg isn't a whippet, but she does this sometimes. With her it often seemed to be linked to a fear/dislike of going past a certain place, though the logic of why she suddenly finds a particular place scary completely eludes me. As she's only little I tend to pick her up and carry her for a couple of yards, which gets her past the 'scary point' then she's absolutely fine. On the way back we'll go through the same performance in exactly the same place :wacko:

If you find with your dog that you need to pull him gently to get him going sometimes it might be better to use a harness so there's no chance of hurting him. Throwing a bit of sausage on the ground ahead of you can work wonders too :lol:
I'm sure as others have said that it will be something that he's scared of - my Roscoe did this at the weekend, suddenly developed a fear of fishing rods and nets. He was fine with the actual anglers but didn't like the way the rod handle came over part of the path. I felt a goon as we were walking along a canal with a fair few people out fishing! I pulled him a bit but nothing doing. My husband walked in front with our other whippet - still Ros wouldn't budge. He wouldn't do it for a treat. In the end I bent down behind him and pushed his bum so he had no choice but to go forward!! :D