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Strangest job you had.


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I worked for British Rail in the 60s, I was a relief signal man, one day or should say night they sent me to a small signal box that had a single track siding, it was the time they were scrapping steam engines.

Well all through the night steam engines arrived to be stored in this siding, at the end of the siding it branched of to about 10 tracks that entered in to a building that was in side of a hill, it was like large wooden doors but they were closed.

After working there for a week i was moved to a different job, but on the last night all the engines had disappeared.

About two years went by and I had left the railway some time back but for some reason I re-visited the area, the tracks was gone and the entrances were the doors was had been filled in with concrete and it was all over grown with a sign saying KEEP OUT.