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:blink: everytime my puppy yawns he retches anyone know why he might do this, he is never actually sick?
Sorry cant really answer, and your saying he only does it when he yawns. Dont want to mean to alarm you I'm most probably wrong, but Kennel Cough sounds and appears more like retching...probably something simple, or a reflex he'll grow out of. Hope someone else can enlighten you. Does'nt sound like he's poorly :thumbsup:
Don't know what it is but one of my dogs does it too occaisionally. I just thought she'd yawned a bit too hard, so thought it was just likea reflex - a bit like when you stick your toothbrush a little too far in your own mouth (or is that just me :- "

Anyway, she's been doing it since we got her - but not everytime she yawns - and she's never had anything wrong with her so far :luck:
Yep! My Aimee does the same sort of thing but usually only first thing in the morning when she wakes up with a stretch/yawn and sort of half retches and makes a noise that sounds like "Aaaw-roo!!"
My Ricky has done this since a pup :blink: ,,he fine though :D