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Stopped eating dog food


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Can I ask some advice.
I have 2 dogs, one aged 7 a Lab/German Shep cross and a 10 year old terrior cross.
Last few days they have both started not eating at meal times. I have tried changing their bowls, the kind of food they eat and so on.
It's been really hot so I have been walking them first thing in the morning and thing at night to make sure they don't over heat.
They seem fine in themselves other than being a little more quiet than usual (which I put down to the heat).
They still beg for treats and scoff down any bits of sausage or chicken offered but won't eat their dog food.

This morning Merlin my lab cross again wouldn't touch his own food, but later ate 2 sausages and a black pudding from mine.
Any ideas?
It may well be the heat and the sausage and black pudding was just too tempting. I would cut out the extras and just offer their normal food. Normally the advice is to lift it after 15 minutes but given how hot it is I would leave it down - they might eat when it is cooler, later in the day. Or just put it down once it is cool. The risk there though is that one eats the other's.

Or, rather than sausage etc maybe you could offer wet food frozen in a Kong.
Thank's Jo. The wet/frozen kong sounds like a good idea.
He is eating but just not very much. Then again I'm the same.

He is drinking and eating a bit. Trying my best to keep him cool but I know both my dogs are suffering.

Thanks again.
Try freezing some plastic bottles of water, then wrapping them in towels to put around the areas they lie in.
It's so hot Harri isn't wanting to eat much at all. I've been feeding him later when it's cooler and he's more inclined to want it.

Treats though he's still eating without any problem!
It seems to be common at the mo with the heat, at least half of the dogs I walk are reportedly off their food, but happy to snack and seem fine in themselves, reckon it is the same for us.. I would say unless you notice other changes in your dogs behaviour too, I would put it down to just being too darn hot to eat! And just do everything you can to keep your dogs cool and comfortable.
Thanks for your replies. Molly my small dog seems better. Merlin has gone quiet and lost weight. Took him to the vets who has found a heart murmer. Waiting for a referal.
He is eating some dog food now but not a lot. Getting worried. He's my best friend.
Have you tried hand feeding and tempting his appetite with human food? When Harri was so ill and off his food I was hand feeding him plain boiled and/or roast chicken and turkey with sweet potato. He'd eat far more that way than any other.
@Caro Perry We steam a chicken breast then shred it and hand feed it with a bit of crumbled oxo on top.
Also if your dog seems to have no energy you can give him/her powdered glucose I'm sure someone told me this on here.
Thanks. He ate a full tin of dog food for his dinner today followed by a frozen kong with meat paste. Did the gentle walk with him on the field.
Just waiting for the referal now. Hope ir is something then can treat.
Really hope Merlin is doing well and eating. Obviously your vet will advise you re the heart murmur...they take so many different form and we did have an old boy with a murmur and a cough that still lived to a ripe old age- you can sometimes adjust lifestyle and carry on very well. Good luck.
Thanks for your comments and kidness.
He ate a full tin of dog food this morning. I've foung giving him a slice of ham first kick starts his appetite. Vet said some carbs to help him put weight back on so did him some spagettii which he also ate.
He seems a bit brighter also a bit more quiet than usual. (that could also be down to the heat).
Not nagging for walks but happy to go out in the evening though. Just a gentle trot with no fetch.
Still worried but feeling a little more possitive as I think there is hope.
Thank you all for your comments. You have been a great comfort.