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Some of you may have seen the thread I started on the Whippet News Top Ten points. Chris Cornish had been asked to restrict Top Ten points to one open per club in order to try and reduce the number of opens being held by clubs as an attempt to force people back to club racing.

The latest news from Chris is that things are to be left as they were last year so I have removed the topic as I don't suppose Chris really wants a lot of mail about something that is not now going to happen.
Judy said:
Chris Cornish had been asked  to restrict Top Ten points to one open per club in order to try and reduce the number of opens being held by clubs as an attempt to force people back to club racing.
Well I don't know ..........You book your open and get told you are the only one running on that date .........then you find a few months later that you could well be sharing that date with another club :eek: ........Now that will help reduce the number of opens as the small clubs won't get the full cash injection that they were banking on .........So they'll end up hesitant about wanting to book another open AGAIN !!!!!! with the fear of running at a loss :( .........You'd imagine that this would be simple enough to rectify, but hey what would I know ........... :oops: sorry rant over :rant: nearly :clown:
I agree - shame for the small clubs that are going to miss out on very important entry fees!
I know ................Feel especially sorry for the small clubs who only have [SIZE=21pt]1[/SIZE] open booked (like they wanted ) :eek: ........This really is silly and ought to be sorted out as this isn't the first time ......look at last years opens :- "