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Stolen Come On Sue


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Come on sue was stolen last night from her kennel in the early hours of the morning. Angela took her super down approx 10.15 locked her away , something woke us up approx 12.30 cause the security lights lit up the bedroom celling steve got up looking out the window the double glazed door of the kennel was open the light from the heat lamp showed the inner kennel door open , rushed down staires to find the kennel had been broken into the alarm wires cut and sue had gone police were here most of the night all we are hope n is for her safe return has we miss her dearly .
That's awful! I hope you get her back soon, Safe and well. :luck: :luck:
:rant: Oh! My God! How awful! I do hope the police get the low lives and return her safe and sound. My thoughts are with you at this worrying time and wish for a happy outcome. It's our worse nightmare that something like this can happen so I'm sure everyone will be on the alert and checking their security. You couldn't have done anymore and it just shows how determined the scum were. Take care and stay positive. :wub:
Oh my God, that is terrible news. I hope to God they catch whoever did it and you get her back safe and sound.
if she were mine she would be plastered on everysite going, lost dogs ,lurcher link making her known so people would be aware of the circumstances, with a full description and photo,

i hope she is being looked after where ever she is ;)
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oh god thats terrile hope 2 god u get her back safe and sound :luck:
I can't imagine what it would be like to have one of my dogs stolen.

I spoke to Steve a short time ago, apparantly after having a good look around the kennels the police seem to think it was all planned to steal the bitch, not just an opportune moment. They obviously asked him if he had any thoughts on the situation and they are looking at making several enquiries.

Hope she comes back soon


hope you get her back ,seems strange someone taking an old dog were there other dogs in with her
such sad news hope you get her back safe and sound, one of mine went missing once he got out though and we had posters up with a description od him on and somebody rang us he had been seen and we got him back

hope you get her back safe and sound this is one of the reasons i let this boy have free run of the kennels at night some bad people out there.

like ppl have said make her to hot to handle

hope shes home real soon

back where she belongs
like ppl have said make her to hot to handle

hope shes home real soon

back where she belongs
hope you get her back safe and sound this is one of the reasons i let this boy have free run of the kennels at night some bad people out there.
Graham, I wouldn't give anyone any input on what protection you have for your dogs, ESPECIALLY in public.

I know someone who had a guard dog for their birds and the scum thought nothing of taking a couple of iron bars to it.

If someone is that determined they'll do whatever it takes.

I sincerely hope you get your dog back Steve :luck:
I assume you want people to look out for her, so a description or photograph would be useful for those of us who don't know her. Is she on Doglost and are there any posters that people can download and plaster around the place? It might also help people keep their eyes open if you say whereabouts you are.

Horrible to have a dog stolen, I can't imagine what you are going through :luck:
hope you get her back safe and sound this is one of the reasons i let this boy have free run of the kennels at night some bad people out there.
Graham, I wouldn't give anyone any input on what protection you have for your dogs, ESPECIALLY in public.

I know someone who had a guard dog for their birds and the scum thought nothing of taking a couple of iron bars to it.

If someone is that determined they'll do whatever it takes.

I sincerely hope you get your dog back Steve :luck:
you may be right there jacs.thanks for the advice