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steroid responsive meningitis arteritis


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Our youngest dog (he's just over a week till his first birthday) has been diagnosed with the above. I just wanted to ask members of their experience with this.  Treatment, tests, prognosis, tips etc.  have researched the whole disease point but wanted to hear of anything first hand from other dog owners. He's not in the usual breed category for this and is currently under treatment at the vet. Came out of nowhere from an otherwise very healthy and active pup. One of four dogs. Thank you.
I'm sorry to hear it. :(   I'm not familiar with this illness, but found what seems to be a good article -

It does note that meningitis in general is rare in the UK, as so many dogs in the popn are vaccinated. 

"...(seen) most commonly in young (< 2 years of age) dogs of certain breeds, including Beagles, Boxers, Bernese mountain dogs, & Weimeraners - but dogs of any breed can be affected. A complex interaction of genetics & the animal’s environment probably contribute to (its  development).

It seems the juvenile immune system produces inflammation & antibodies against a normal body protein – in SRMA, this protein is expressed by the walls of blood vessels in the meninges.
There is no infection with this condition, & it is not contagious."

Did they test a sample of spinal fluid? -- that seems to be definitive, there's a specific inflammatory cell present - but they must also do bloodwork to cross-check there's no infection elsewhere.

They also note that the prognosis is good - QUOTE,
"The prognosis for SRMA is generally very good, with most patients improving after 2-3 days of treatment, & entering clinical remission within 2 weeks. Tx with steroids is normally required for 5-7 months, after which Tx can be stopped, & a normal length and quality of life can be expected.

Relapses of SRMA are possible, either during the course of treatment or after treatment has been stopped. Roughly 20% of patients with SRMA will relapse."

It sounds as tho he has a good chance of a full recovery - it may recur, but the symptoms will be familiar if it returns. // Hopefully he'll be just fine, in about a fortnight;  it sounds like he'll be on gradually-falling doses of steroids till about January or so.
 - terry
Sorry to hear this. What breed is your dog? I seem to remember there being some expertise on this condition being expressed on The Whippet Forum. You might like to have a look on there?
Thanks Terry, have read that and many other articles.  Was looking for first hand experience. It's always better if you know someone who has been through it and have experienced the ups and downs.  The Fitzpatrick link is a good one if anyone else is looking for info.  No spinal fluid taken as yet.  They want to see how he progresses on medication.  The SF test is quite invasive so other tests will be done first.
Thanks Terry, have read that and many other articles.  Was looking for first hand experience. It's always better if you know someone who has been through it and have experienced the ups and downs.  The Fitzpatrick link is a good one if anyone else is looking for info.  No spinal fluid taken as yet.  They want to see how he progresses on medication.  The SF test is quite invasive so other tests will be done first.

Thanks GypsysMum will check that out.