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Starting New Buissness


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well after much thought im going to register a new buissness selling what i make my websit is being made as we speak ,but i need a buisness name thought id ask you friendly lot in k9 .so come give me sum name ideas please :D
nicky12 said:
well after much thought im going to register a new buissness selling what i make my websit is being made as we speak  ,but i need a buisness name thought id ask you friendly lot in k9 .so come give me sum name ideas please  :D
And not before time to Nicky, good quality stuff you knock up the on your Netto sewing mc :lol: , good luck to you, hows about NICKYS KNICK KNACKS, just a thought from my lady, Ruth


keith n ruthy
midlanderkeith said:
nicky12 said:
well after much thought im going to register a new buissness selling what i make my websit is being made as we speak  ,but i need a buisness name thought id ask you friendly lot in k9 .so come give me sum name ideas please  :D
And not before time to Nicky, good quality stuff you knock up the on your Netto sewing mc :lol: , good luck to you, hows about NICKYS KNICK KNACKS, just a thought from my lady, Ruth


keith n ruthy

I love Ruth's idea, I'll have a think this evening Nicky

How about 'Creature Comforts' (tho I bet someones already got it)
Very best of luck Nicky, Im sure you will do well :cheers: :luck:

what about Nicky's Novelties.... :)

will it be all doggy based?? just wondering really...
yes it will be all dogy stuff and im investing in an industrial sewing maching so will be able to do almost anything (w00t)
Good luck Nicky :luck: :luck: Good on ya,you got the skills and lovely workmanship :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Can't think at the moment,but thought you might want something doggy in your business name perhaps :D
good luck nicky :luck: :luck: :luck: just remember us when you make your 1st million :- " :thumbsup:
nicky12 said:
boothros said:
midlanderkeith said:
nicky12 said:
(w00t)   i like that keith its catchy  :D
Your very welcome Nicky, you could always funk it up a little, but whatever you decide on, the very best of luck to you.

keith :luck:

How about 'K9 Nicky Nacks'?

(w00t) another good one to add to my list :D
I like that :thumbsup:
peppermint lady said:
boothros said:
midlanderkeith said:
nicky12 said:
(w00t)   i like that keith its catchy  :D
Your very welcome Nicky, you could always funk it up a little, but whatever you decide on, the very best of luck to you.

keith :luck:

How about 'K9 Nicky Nacks'?

thats really good boothros :thumbsup:

Thanks, but Mrs Keith started it
nicky12 said:
yes it will be all dogy stuff and im investing in an industrial sewing maching so will be able to do almost anything  (w00t)
MMM, industrial sewing mc eh, heres your first project :lol:

height 6 foot, waiste 36, inside leg, 32, long johns fer winter, of a nice durable buckrum type material, i thank you

keith :cheers:
good luck nicky :luck: ,glad your taking the plunge,youve certainly got what it takes. :thumbsup:
Goodluck, I hope it all works out for you. Do post a link to your website when it is up and running. :thumbsup: