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Star's Stopper Pad


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Star has torn her stopper pad. :(

It's a nice clean tear and she has had it stutured today.. They've said she can't race on Sunday and we were soooooo looking forward to it- and the possibility of her clearing. :thumbsup:

Obviously I dont want to hurt her, or risk another injury - but if it is strapped up can she really not race? It's seems quite high off the ground.

If we miss this week I can't come again until May 15th (w00t) :(

I'm totally fed up with going to the vets. Leia's break looks like it's healed but there is now so much granulated tissue that she has only got a 45 degree bend in her wrist. She is more lame now that a week after the op. :( Not sure what they can do as anotehr op may make things worse - more granulated tissue - so there is talk of steriod injections into the area. No decision till Wednesday when she has another x-ray to check the bones have healed. My poor leaping lunatic :(
Rae said:
Star has torn her stopper pad.  :(
Obviously I dont want to hurt her, or risk another injury - but if it is strapped up can she really not race?  It's seems quite high off the ground.
Stoppers can take quite a time to heal. I don't know how hard she goes down on the lure but I would say it's better to let it heal.

You should strap stoppers up in the dry weather because they will damge them without. But with an injury before you start it's very difficult to protect them well enough not to add to the problem.

Hope Leia starts to improve :(
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Thanks Nigel :))

Looks like we'll just be watching then.

In future I'm getting tortoises...they do not tear about at a ridiculous speed and injure themselves :clown: (And I bet they don't snore in bed either -_- )
some dogs need vet rap on there stoppers most of the time when racing some others dont need it at all like squizzle .

it should heal in about 3 weeks
Have you tried making stopper pad protectors out of old leather tongues cut out of an old shoe or boot. Vet wrap the bottom of the tongue to the inside of the leg and leave the top bit loose, when pushed onto the leg it will cover the stopper pad, that way when the dog slides in for the lure the pads will be protected.

Put them on before you take them for there walks and they will get used to them.

Another remedy is a mixture of potash and meths, made to a paste and applied to the stopper pads (not when skin is broken). this will dry up the stopper pad and also harden it off, given time.
Thansk I havent tried that - I'm a total novice :b

By 'vet wrap' so you mean that bandage stuff that sticks to itself when it is wrapped around the dog? (See said I wasa novice.... :clown: )
I'm learnign too, Rae! I had no idea that you had to watch/protect their pads so carefully :b
Rae said:
Thansk I havent tried that - I'm a total novice  :b
By 'vet wrap' so you mean that bandage stuff that sticks to itself when it is wrapped around the dog? (See said I wasa novice.... :clown: )

That's the stuff :D .....I've never had to strap any of my dog's (yet lol) just depend's on the indervidual dog, but even The Twit's been ok so far (w00t)
i always use vaseline on my dogs stopper pads. :D
We strap Mighty Mouse's stoppers on every run, as he has very prominent stoppers. They do tend to heal quickly we've found, but if Star's has been stitched, I think you're wise to keep her off this week. All good things come to those that wait! A week will seem like forever though :(

Good luck :luck:
Strike Whippets said:
That's the stuff  :D .....I've never had to strap any of my dog's (yet lol) just depend's on the indervidual dog, but even The Twit's been ok so far  (w00t)
I think we've had 9 racing dogs and had to strap every one of them when the ground is dry.

Although a skinned stopper will heal quite quickly a badly torn stopper will very easiy open up again unless it's given enough time to heal properly.
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The stopper was basically hanging on by a bit of skin at the top - the rest was torn off (but stitched back on).

I think I'll vet wrap her on that leg in future.

I have fallen over and twisted my ankle this morning so I'll be vet wrapping myself.

I tripped over a whippet :b :clown: We were definately not meant togo racing this week. :oops:
Rae said:
The stopper was basically hanging on by a bit of skin at the top - the rest was torn off (but stitched back on).
I think I'll vet wrap her on that leg in future.

I have fallen over and twisted my ankle this morning so I'll be vet wrapping myself.

I tripped over a whippet  :b   :clown:   We were definately not meant togo racing this week.  :oops:

Oh poor you Rae - we missed you too!! Wondered what had happened :( I hope your ankle (and your various doggie complaints) are all better soon :luck:
Poor you.........I must admit I was a bit worried when you didn't arrive. Hope the ankle feels better soon. I wish Star had been racing, Archie missed her, he is in disgrace today......................Let's just say, we are in the same boat as you now :( clearing wise :( :( :( some-one's feelings bubbled over today :( :( )

THIS IS JO NOT LLOYD BY THE WAY OOPS :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Poor Rae and Star. Isn`t life a beach sometimes! :- "

Hope you both recover but without pushing things.We don`t want ONE step forward and TWO back!

Dandy hurt himself in the Early days and Liz was so tough on him but it WORKED. The boy was in a sulk for yonks being on a lead all the time :(

But look at him now :cheers:

XXXXXXXXXXX from Dandy and Magic
Blimey you, we wondered where you were ........Hope your luck change's soon, and that you both stop hobbling about .........Eric send's his love :flowers:
Rae if you had come to S Cot on Sunday then you'd have seen Jar Jar Binks, Tuskan Raider, Jedi Knight and Master Yoda racing down the track. As well as puppies Dexter and Ben. (I'm sure that you know what the rest of those names are :- " )

Hope that you aren't going to be laid up for long with the ankle.
Much better this morning thanks. :cheers:

Still gutted I missed Sunday :(